General Discussion

General DiscussionWeaver

Weaver in General Discussion

    So, how do you play this hero nowadays?

    The last time I picked this hero frequently (somewhat) was back when going offlane with him didn't sound too retarded and when people were rushing stuff like Linken's Spheres and Medallions on him.

    He feels pretty underwhelming and doesn't seem like a worthy pick in this meta with the current strong heroes, but still, they'll likely get nerfed with a new patch and I feel like replaying him when that happens.

    I never make a thread about the strongest heroes anyway.

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        dont get mkb when there's no evasion, get daedelus or desolator instead.


          That's stuff I already do. ^ If you are talking about the last game, well, that was a combination of both a mock item and friend who had pretty much snowballed out of control suddenly said he was told he needed to get out in 5 minutes and I already had the Demon Edge and one stuff happened.

          What's considered core on him? I don't think I've played him well even when I picked him more often. Good scores just meant there were people in the other team who were particularly bad.

          Any playstyle I should consider besides being a sneaky annoyance?

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              hotd maelstrom no boots is my fav build


                I actually don't think its worth building anything but brown boots until later in the game.

                In the early game, weaver excels at dancing in and out of fights so sustained dps isn't necessary? The passive makes up for any lost attack speed early on. Sometimes, I'd argue whether you need boots at all.

                I personally think Weaver shines in a duo lane vs duo/tri. On his own, he has very little kill potential unless the enemy is an idiot but with an allied support, weaver becomes a menace.

                Linkin's is a waste imo. Its like why you don't get bkb/linkin/manta first on Ember. Whats the point? You hit for like nothing... Weaver doesn't generally run out of mana unless you're spamming it nonstop. Daedelus/MKB/Deso rush make you a monster assassin.


                  weaver loves proccing items with germinate atack now.

                  linkens aint core as it used ro be.

                  get crystalys asap, maelstorm is good, mkb is great, early deso or diff will melt people.

                  one can also condider lifesteal now and just ditch deso for other orb like skadi/diff or no orb at all...

                  i like medalion on weaver in early game, but that is me :D


                    get daed over mkb cos crit is better late, but literally any damage item is better than crit early. hell, even basher would be more useful than crystalys as your first item.

                    skadi is legit espescially in this patch, where mobility and kiting seems to be the name of the game, with popular carries like jugg, sniper and troll often getting some combination of phase, mask of madness, sny or skadi. skadi is the alternative to linkens and they're basically the same price, but you get more stats in return for no spell block, which is more useful for split pushing rather than teamfights anyway.

                    ive not tried diffusal but on paper it seems legit. it's not as efficient at lv 1 as it is as it is at lv 2 though, lv 1 doesn't seem that good when there's maelstrom available, and that'll also help you farm faster. i suppose you could get both and you'd have super effiicient damage, and then you get heart/skadi/bkb for survivability after.

                    and always get aquila, it's a ridiculously cost effective item on agi core heroes, especially ones with shitty stat growth like weaver.

                    upgraded boots like treads or phase are still a really cost effective item even without considering the movement speed bonuses. phase are 1350g for 24 damage and +8% avg ms, in comparison to claymore which is 1400g for 21 damage and no speed.

                    treads gives more stats than it's individual components, only use a single slot. when you do take the movement speed into account, you don't have 100% uptime on shukuchi, so the movement speed increases your general efficiency as you can move around the map faster, indirectly resulting in things like having more mana because you have to use shukuchi less, faster farming because you can move between A and B quicker and therefore start attacking creeps sooner or you don't miss lane creeps because you didn't reach them in time, and more realistic DPS because you have more attack uptime.


                      i love desol and splitpush
                      desol-mkb-bkb-daedalus-HoT depending on situation

                      Mortimer Smith

                        DONT PLAY THIS HEROOHOUHOUH



                          andro, you know that second atack now can proc those sweet mkb dmg bashes and crystalys crits and burm mana? same with mael. it's insane now


                            Phase boot is awesome on weaver.

                            (you can suckushi phase suckushi phase etc... with no down time) that +24 damage really help a lot both harassing and last hitting.

                            Linken always was shit, unless you knew it was going to be a full rat game (in which weaver excell only by being hard to catch)
                            Bkb for fighting (and a 5 sec bkb is anyway not a problem on weaver) then straight for big item. Mkb and daedalus (i prefer mkb first, especially since i've 0 attack speed item at that point, and also due to weaver having so shit damage that people can actually just tp in front of you and survive xD


                              just dont get linken.. it delays your carry potential by 20 mins+

                              if you can rush a min 12 deso its perfect. you only need to know how to position yourself, because you have low survivability.

                              then go mkb/burriza/bkb.

                              i think skadi would be a good choice also, as all carries go sy/skadi now.


                                Now that's more like it, thanks a lot for the input guys.

                                This weird ant has been getting so underplayed lately that I completely lost touch with it, now I just have to find time to play :P

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Phase boots sounds awesome, max germinate asap, every 3 seconds you get a +24 dmg double attack. That's harass! If enemies don't have disables and sentries you'll win solo offlane vs most duos I think. Question I guess is what's better, maxing shukuchi or germinate first.

                                  What about aquila? His spells don't cost that much, aquila would probably keep you casting for days. Phase, aquila, deso, bkb, mkb/daedulus?


                                    yeah and those geminate attacks can also proc those sweet crits which do way more fucking damage than 100 magic damage. of course I know, that's why my build changed to maelstrom first item with the geminate buff, although it was good on him before that anyway

                                    MKB is just shit in comparison to daedelus when there's no miss chance/evasion,


                                      im pretty sure phase aquila minicrit actually pwns but ive only tried in party games lol


                                        Since the change to allow the 2nd attack from geminate to proc items I really like an early brown boots, aquila and maelstrom.

                                        It does decent damage while fighting and allows you to farm much faster and push towers out of fights.

                                        Then deso -> daedalus for damage
                                        HotD -> Satanic, Linkens or BKB for survivability

                                        on our way.

                                          He's probably underplayed because Slark is in the pool, and Slark is like a Weaver 2.0.


                                            is diffusal good on wiwerino?