General Discussion

General DiscussionSingSing Twitch Experiment

SingSing Twitch Experiment in General Discussion
Krazy Kat

    In the name of science, I decided to go to SingSing's stream and figure out how many spammers I would have to ignore before the chat became normal.
    0 ignored: Chat spam = infinity.
    60 ignored: Chat spam = moments of peace then return to insanity.
    100 ignored: Chat spam = no change. New spammers replacing the old.
    140 ignored: Chat spam = mostly gone. The worst spammer at this point is his bot.
    170 ignored: Silence.
    Conclusion: Ignore chat. There are no normal people watching SingStream.

    pls no copypasta. Kappa

    < blank >

      here comes the copy pasta

      ......╚⊙ ⊙╝

      Krazy Kat

        Yeah that about sums it up.


          ......╚⊙ ⊙╝
          ╚═(███)═╝ the Human centipede continues......


            ...╚═(███)═╝...\ (`_`) -it's a
            ...╚═(███)═╝.....\ .|| Giraffe!
            ..╚═(███)═╝.......\| |
            .╚═(███)═╝.........| |
            ╚═(███)═╝......... |__|

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            Miku Plays


              Mortimer Smith



                  he wants to suck my deek!

                  *kills him*

                  but he won't get it, not even a lick XD

                  Mortimer Smith

                    WHATEVER I LOVE SING
                    WHO CARES ABOUT THE CHAT