General Discussion

General DiscussionShould Enchantress's ulti get buffed or reworked?

Should Enchantress's ulti get buffed or reworked? in General Discussion

    I love its concept but... isn't the mana cost insanely high for the type of damage it dishes out?

    Also, assuming you hit at MAX range without sceptre at level 16, it provides only 137.5 pure damage. And the damage isn't even reliable because it goes down to next to nothing if people close in on you.

    When you compare it to other non-ultimate skills of similar nature like searing arrows or glaives of wisdom, its really horrible. And its an ultimate! An unfed Silencer at lvl 16 with 0 stacks, assuming he has forcestaff+treads hits for 85 pure damage. Thats 50 less damage but for 50 less mana! It costs 15 mana as opposed to 65.

    I don't think its that Enchantress is 'out-of-meta' and that she's simply fucking weak.


      Seeing how other heroes have evolved so far, her ulty will probably end up piercing magic immunity sometime in the near future, á la Lina or Qop of Pain. Icefrog likes that kind of stuff.


        "Also, assuming you hit at MAX range without sceptre at level 16, it provides only 137.5 pure damage. "
        A fleeing target will increase the effective range of your attack. This coupled with Enchantress's below average missile speed can make impetus hit much harder than the number you put down here.


          "A fleeing target will increase the effective range of your attack. This coupled with Enchantress's below average missile speed can make impetus hit much harder than the number you put down here."
          This is great when your opponents are fleeing from you, not so much when they're coming to kill you.

          The only time I've seen Enchantress be really effective in terms of damage was some kind of MoM/Force staff build where they just deplete their whole mana pool and force staff the target further away. Though that doesn't work too well when they come to kick her ass.

          Pom Pom 🍕

            Just make impetus not disjointable so you can actually reach the damage cap when someone blinks away.


              As I bulldogged enchantress I can tell you that her damage output is HUGE if she is in the right position and is able to kill any carry easily.
              If you are in the wrong position you are most of the time dead anyway and unable to dish out much damage with any support much more with enchantress though).

              Sidestepping with Enchantress is important to ensure maximum damage as well as when doing the final hit make sure to go away from the opponent. Other than that with ench you should just keep pressure up whilst stacking as for public matches


                No, well, you guys are totally side tracking here regarding the damage.

                My point is that in ideal situations, her impetus does more damage than other autocast attack abilities but it costs way more mana. Searing arrows, glaives, poison attack all cost 10-20 mana. Impetus is a whopping 50-65 mana. The only other skill that has higher cost is arcane orb but od has a much huger and SUSTAINABLE mana pool and has reliable and much better scaling.

                You see, Enchantress isn't a hero that will get #1 or #2 farm or sometimes even #3 farm. With the exception of impetus, her kit is meant for a jungling #4. If you somehow afk jungle farm to get enough items for attackspeed+sustainable mana pool means that in the first place, you should 1. thank your team for cr8ting that space, 2. realize that you could've done a much greedier jungle like ursa/enig/troll/tb/carry doom that would do much more damage than you can ever dream of with an enchant.

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                He's an A-star student, y...

                  Everytime someone picks Enchantress I'm like - this player must be a gaymer gurl or some really drunk guy just looking for some animal hardcore.

                  It's so fucking funny when she gets blown up in literally 1 sec and ends up being like 4-20

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                  Dire Wolf

                    Yeah enchantress sucks cus her role makes no sense. Like you said, all her other abilities scream jungler or some sort of ganking support type cus enchant last so damn long... and then there's impetus. A crazy ass nuking orb doesn't fit with the rest of what she does. Maybe just change it altogether to something that fits her style like nuke that stuns. Or something that would be crazy but probably too powerful would be a cast that makes her whole team affected by her current level of beguile for a duration like 5 seconds. It'd be almost like omni's ult vs any right clickers cus they would attack so slowly.


                      The point of enchantress is not to sustain her Impetus and rather use her manapool as a weapon like storm and a few other heroes do.
                      (She needs 300 mana max for her other spells during a fight due to long cds.)

                      You cant just pick a greedier hero instead of enchantress. She is very versatile in her role being able to permagank and give up to 2 lanes not the chane to farm, or she can level and farm incredibly fast and become a big nuisance level and farmwise.
                      She peeks way earlier than the other heroes mentioned and is able to threated enemy core heroes with a minimum budget during almost all stages of the game.

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                        I think her other spells should be reworked.

                        /\/ /\ T

                          Impetus does not make the hero, by any means. She has the most powerful defensive passive in the game and is damn near unkillable by strength carries or people with bad attack animations. Coupled with an amazing heal, nuke damage is the only way to kill her. I wouldn't pick enchantress against anything but an auto attacking focused lineup, which usually dosent happen outside of lower tiers of pubs. Still a fun hero, but I agree with the notion of a rework