General Discussion

General Discussionrepicking bug?

repicking bug? in General Discussion

    i sometimes find i can't repick (non ranked games). the red x just isn't there. it seems to be quite random when this happens, is this a known bug? it's quite annoying

    Natural born jungler

      LOL its Not bug
      valve specially made that system in order to prevent ppl to pick heros like troll at the start of the game and repick when everyone picked their heros :)))

      so if u pick a hero so fast u cant repick it ...
      if u pick a hero u can t repick in the last seconds ...

      i can remember times that i picked meepo or axe or ursa fast and then repicked after ppl picked :D

      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

        what you said doesn't add up. i always instantly random, and it's only sometimes i can't repick. i always random at the same time each game. i never choose a hero, i always random, so i know it's nothing to do with what you're saying