General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i pick heroes

how do i pick heroes in General Discussion

    Hey, I'm having a really big hole in my dota knowledge (one of many but.. nevermind) and I need some help with it.

    What are the aspects of team line-ups? What should I look for when I last pick for example?


      Look for what your team lacks, but don't play anything you don't feel comfortable with (even if that means picking a 5th core).


        I get this but.. what can my team lack? Like disables, tanky heroes, etc

        waku waku

          having no stuns in a team can be really bad, you should probably not let that happen


            just analyze what your team already has and what opponents picked. find something that both fits your lineup and counters enemies' one. its about intuitive understanding of the game in most cases though, its hard to give certain advice here.

            Lisbon Acid!

     may help you.

              In particular:




              Hope it helps!

              Dire Wolf

                you either counter the other team or fill holes in yours, best picks do both.

                Often with last pick you will be forced into a role, usually offlane or support. So for example if you have a spectre on your team and you have to support vs like an axe offlane you better get a really strong support who can deal with him early like maiden or lion or veno or something. Maybe you have to get an offlane pick but your team has no team fight, you can go lich or tide or something, or centaur if you need initiation.



                  This helps a lot, gives you a list of successful counters based on community feedback and the opponent picks.


                    if you are not pusi you pick your hero and win the game.


                      if you wanna improve, just pick whatever you want

                      helps you learn to deal with different matchups and trains critical thinking skills

                      if you wanna win, spam troll

                      theres nothing to debate here lol


                        i think I am going to start a nerf the troll petition .

                        Natsuki Subaru

                          Yeah, troll is pretty op, specially when he doesnt need to get a bkb against certain lineups, disgusting..

                          Dire Wolf

                            I don't get that site guiri. I put in one of arin's matchups, this match

                            It said pick silencer which doesn't make any sense. Silencer vs a team with like one team ult (jugs) and only two disables? And vs a jug and sniper, they shred him without casting anything. Then if you click on the breakdown is says silencer counters axe + 3.28 and sniper + 3.56 but at the same time is countered by them, -3.28 and -3.55. How can you counter a guy at a rate of 3.55 and be countered by him at almost identical rate? Wouldn't you just be a zero then?

                            I mean silencer is an ok pick if you have a big wombo combo like silencer + tide + sk ult so you want to silence them and kill them all before jug ults/goes magic immune and prevent necro from healing. But that's dependent on your team, not theirs and that strat doesn't have much to do with enemy picks at all.

                            Then aparition is listed as an ok counter with a huge score vs necro, which is to be expected since he can stop his healing. But jug is listed as a counter to AA, not the other way around which makes zero sense since jug has a big healing ward too. AA is a good pick vs jug for the exact same reason he is a good pick vs necro.