General Discussion

General DiscussionDOTA changed?

DOTA changed? in General Discussion

    Is dota still shit game with gg 10 min in, ppl raging and flaming at everybody and troll wrecking everyone no matter how noob he is?


      thank god we talk on facebook and i can flame u there as long as u " quited" dota fyyqing dimitri:(

      and yes i still say gg @10min and afk fountain


        Im having a blast.


          Looking at your match history, I can't say it looked like you were contributing in a positive manner in any regard anyway

          King of Low Prio

            HAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHHAAHAHA glad this moron followed through on his quitting......too bad he wont quit crying on the forums

            THICC BABY SHUM

              my first post and this F A G already posts some retarded shit

              Mortimer Smith


                YNIT COME BUCK

                Mortimer Smith

                  IM CRYING

                  Mortimer Smith

                    GIVE ME YOUR TONY SETS :DDD

                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      I see samson is high skiller
                      nice to see his 4k as he said he deserves it and went down just as a losing strick cuz team sucks aww lmao

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        Might come buck, after i finish watching prison break, btw i saw samson there in prison playing basketball

                        Mortimer Smith

                          Sampson will die soon, don't care about him.


                            are u smurfing now, pusi?

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              not smurfing, but i do have one that is like 5 games away from lvl 13


                                can i callibrate a smurf for you ynit?
                                edit; for the sake of science since i never bothered to get a smurf for meself

                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  idk if u can, its super omega high, u might feed kappa
                                  sure if u want, most of games on it are party i used it playing with friends and trolling but solo que is very high so yah.

                                  Giff me Wingman


                                    firstpick meepo, 1k GPM, 1.2k EXPM. Ez pts.

                                    no idea what you're crying about.


                                      if you can give me the login details over steam chat today, I'll be able to play a couple of games on it before I go to sleep!


                                        is smurf 8k + hidden mmr? or i will feed?

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          With kids like ynit around these anti vaccine theories that they cause autism makes more sense. ....

                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                            cuz kda matters, ... rat may have 0 kda and win game while u play like pus sy and lose cuz u too busy thinking about ur stupidkda


                                              high kda doesnt make you a good player
                                              over 7 kda on wr over 1k games and still <50% winrate
                                              its all about the way you play, your, meh, style