General Discussion

General DiscussionAM problems

AM problems in General Discussion

    I really don't know why I lost this game, what I could did better or an item choice mistake
    this game was 4.7k (im 5.2k)




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        get stats instead of more points into magic resistance early on, you'll get more survivability + more last hits. the common AM build is 1-1-1 and 2 stats at lv 5, and then 1-4-1-2 by 11 and the rest in stats.

        looks like you were against a dual offlane. imo you should only rush BF if you have uncontested farm. even then I think you should get brown boots before it at least. otherwise I think it's safer to get treads first into BF. the timing is delayed but it's more consistent as you can farm the jungle in between creep waves or when the lane isn't safe to farm.

        in this game you got a 15 min treads + BF but if you got the treads first you could have maybe gotten them quicker if they let you get some extra neutrals in downtime or you survive a gank because of the extra strength for example, and even if they ended up being the same time as going BF + treads, it would have been less risky

        it may be minor but getting the claymore first instead of the void stone is better since you don't need the mana regen from perseverance, so you're effectively only getting 10 damage for 875g (87.5g for 1 damage), wheras broadsword and claymore are more gold efficient per each point in damage (66.(6)). the advantage that perseverance has is that it's more slot efficient but since you're not getting boots you don't need that extra slot.

        your manta timing is decent at 22 minutes, but your tower damage isn't so good, so that suggests you didn't split push as much as you could have, although since i don't have time to watch the game right now I can't say for sure. lina does have euls but theres no guarantee she'll time the stun perfectly, and the only other disable that's going to get you is the instant silence from ES which can be dispelled by manta.

        other stuff would probably require me to watch the game, or seeing the item timings of the enemies.

        for example, your choice of heart as your next major item. it's good against agh's lina but if you could have gotten a BKB before she got her aghs, you could have taken a fight, and if you won it that would have set the lina even further from her aghs, or maybe the extra HP from heart made no difference to whether you survived because you were stunned/silenced by the ES or the potm where a BKB could have been the difference.

        vlads is also pretty good on AM as it helps you split push much better than a yasha will, and it accelerates your farm, since you can do ancients and you don't have to go to base due to a lack of mana, which I assume you did because you don't have any points into stats until 15 and you don't have vlad's mana regen - tread switching alone is not enough.

        I'm not sure if it would have been good this game, but you've never gotten vlads so it may just be that you've never considered the item. manta first can be good if you're good at recognising power spikes - an AM with a 20 min manta is extremely strong at that point, but if you don't use that advantage that you have and you're just farming, you'd be better off with a vlads, as the farm acceleration will pay off later in the game and it'll help you delay the game by making your split push better.

        basher/abyssal after manta instead of heart could have also been the better choice. if you're able to force the enemy to chase you as you split push, you can kill anyone who tries to defend a tower alone, or if you happen to catch someone moving around the map on their own - leading to them losing gold, their items are delayed, you can take an objective because of it, or the enemy can't push because they're one man down et cetera.


          that was a really nice analysis, apreciated :) !


          Mortimer Smith

            boots before bf

            Mortimer Smith

              mb after +8hp ring, but before bf

              Mortimer Smith

                brown boots at least


                  LOL why would you max spell shield first, it's literally the worst possible build
                  Also I'm not a big fan of early heart

                  Mortimer Smith

                    and as a first items i buy, tangos, potion, shield then i buy qb on the lateral shop

                    Mortimer Smith

                      and mb basher be4 heart,

                      casual gamer

                        the other team has kinda shitty catch if you get bkb

                        coulda tried ratting more maybe, looks like you were catastrophically behind though