General Discussion

General DiscussionSkill Bracket

Skill Bracket in General Discussion

    Hi, how can i get very high skill on db without ranked matchmaking??
    ty in advance


      I don't think you can , Its based on your mmr.
      I believe that high skill starts from 3.8k mmr highskill 3.3 and normal is everything below 3.3 , im not sure about that last one though.


        but some people have very high skill from the first games


          and u too))


            is ppl who played with a vhskill players on party on first matchs


              brackets in NMM dont correlate in any direct way with your mmr. NMM skill bracket is based on hidden mmr that works only for NMM games. The only way to improve your hidden mmr and therefore get to higher skill bracket is jsut win as much as you can; simple as that.

              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
              50% forced wr is a lie

                not exactly true. I am a new-ish player here. When I started Dota 2, I clicked 'new to this game' and my first game brought me to VERY HIGH skill. As you can tell, I got owned. :(


                  the game's making sure you're new Kappa


                    Normal games have their own mmr knows as " hidden " mmr
                    0-2.5k = normal skill
                    2.5k-3.7k= high skill
                    3.7k+ = very high skill

                    ^ thats for UNRANKED games ( hidden mmr )

                    50% forced wr is a lie


                      haha lol well volvo thanks for the anal bum rape :(


                        well you don't actually need to play ranked games to get into very high skill, I was getting them in none ranked games long b4 I got them in ranked games. However you do need to get your hidden rank up to the equivalent of 3.6k.


                          im low lvl player. I got some very h skill bracket. But 8/10 of my match ; im lost , get bad community, flame and blame. Why ? i thinks that's not true ( very high skill = 3.8k mmr ). pls check my profi and give me some knowledge about skill bracket .