General Discussion

General DiscussionMy best PA game I've ever had.

My best PA game I've ever had. in General Discussion

      well the game was so one-sided that u could actually do nothing and still win
      hard to judge tho


        From the looks of it, DP secured all the teamfights and towers and you basically hopped onto the train and killed people with your excessive tower gold. Your team cr8ted all the space you needed in fights.

        I'd also say you over farmed, 332 last hits in 39 minutes sounds awesome until you stop to think about the fact that your team was balling so hard if you participated early, the match might have ended faster.

        Last picking is 4 pussies


          Isn't that what most pa players do? Hide and farm until Hellen Keller could get kills.


            ^ that's legit


            all my builds are similar though :c


              Lmao did you really drop two rapiers whilst being ahead?

              casual gamer

                no i dropped them at 55 min vs spectre and ember while behind

                same result though


                  What would you use refresher for, Blink Strike and dagger?

                  casual gamer

                    abyssal, bkb, and satanic


                      ^^ Maybe the Satanic, Abyssal and BKB? It refreshes items too you know?

                      Edit: Got ninja'd.

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                        Thank you pengu for the insight. I'll think about joining my team earlier if we're winning that hard.


                          You died 4 times.

                          You did something wrong 4 times.


                            why ppl post good games to ask what they did wrong? lol


                              because it's easier to find a needle in a haystack than a specific needle in a pile of needles.

                              needles = mistakes
                              haystack = good plays

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