General Discussion

General DiscussionHero player rankings showing normal+practice games?

Hero player rankings showing normal+practice games? in General Discussion

    I was going through my matches, and I recently paid to see where I was currently ranked myself. I went and looked at undying ( and saw that the #1 ranked player was playing normal and practice games, and was getting credited for those points.

    Can it really be true that you can be #1 player (according to this website obv) by farming normal and practice games? Wouldnt it make more sense to keep it to ranked only?

    Would love an official response from you at Dotabuff if it really is intended, and as to why.

    Kind regards,


      Where exactly did you see he was getting points for those games
      When you click on the player's nick they just send you to his games with that hero, that's all


        normal matchmaking does count
        practice games do not count


          Litterally 90% of the games are normal? Seems a bit dumb to have a ranking system that counts normal games.


            normal MM got its own ranking system that works same way it does in RMM; nothing to complain about. NMM is balanced.


              Except people normally dont take it very seriously? They tend to quit if they die early, and people instant pick and call their hero mid? There is a WORLD of difference between ranked and normal play at 5k.

              To clarify, there is litterally a huge difference in play when people play unranked. Most people do it to just mess around, play with low rated friends (you cant do that in ranked if the difference is more than 2000), they random and they troll. There is no reason why it should be considered alongside with ranked, which is what the site is trying to do right? (the best of the best for that hero?). It should be ranked, and it should probably only be at 3-4k+ too even. It's like comparing a normal soccer match vs. a league one, it just is nowhere near the same.

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                Completely legit that those games are counted towards being the "best" ranked player on dotabuff? :D ? That you can sit at 2k mmr and farm normal games?


                  Hero rankings is unbalanced in alot of ways, just calm down and enjoy the fact that you might be top 1% or even top 100.


                    I am calm. But if something is not working as intended why should it just be let go? Why not raise the issue and bring attention?


                      you cant get high hero score if u are 2k mmr. even for 4k mmr its extremely hard (r4k is diamond 3? 4? i am not sure). division weights a lot in calculation of overall score.

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