General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about current situation in Russia/Ukraine/Croatia etc.

Question about current situation in Russia/Ukraine/Croatia etc. in General Discussion
ham strokers ejacula

    What's going on, how are there people that are hungry? Is it something to do with funding for students? Some people like Kemerrah, Nova, and FPZ seem to be having a rough time.

    What the hell is going on.

    P.S. I never read the news cause it's depressing so sorry if this comes across as ignorant to people where this is close to home.

    < blank >

      Croatia is fine, has only to deal with this EU shit


        well lots of countries are shitty even in the eu.
        if you ever come to my country, you would think you are blessed to live in uk lemayo

        waku waku

          I dunno what's going on, all I know is there has been inflation, (insignificant for now but noticeable) and it's apparently hard to get a good job. Maybe it has to do something with the food importans ban from first world countries - a pretty retarded thing to do if you ask me...


            I don't know much about the shortage of food and shit, but the inflation is pretty fucking bad.


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              life in moscow didnt change much in the last years, but there is some sort of negative trend in everything related to economics/trade/money/politics. still doesnt hurt me much tho.

              waku waku

                I haven't noticed it in prices yet, things have gotten more expensive by 5-10 rubles at most


                  you don't want to live in moldova or romania for that matter although romania is better.
                  not even talking about ukraine (at least west coast madafaka).
                  i think that 80% of young people emigrate out of my country, maybe even 90%, cuz its that sheed.
                  now to the actual message:
                  if anyone has the kind heart to give me (poor student) sf arcana, i would love to feed more with sf.


                    well, my favourite apples cost twice as much as they did cost 3 years ago
                    i cant find appropriate cheese for my pizza cz of foreign trade restrictions
                    same reason i cant buy my favourite cookies that were even more delicious than ynit's mommy's pusi
                    all the prices that are based on dollars/euros and not roubles increased drastically


                      W00W S5 INS'T YOUR BIRTHDAY TOMORR0W?

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                      5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                        and here i am living in the states, complaining and bitching about every little thing day after day


                          just another day of getting cut off by fat people driving carts when buying groceries


                            HR fine XD
                            we are not there


                              Sounds a lot like my country during the 80s. I hope everything turns out ok for everyone living in those parts.

                              Low Expectations

                                Eu east is overall shit, everyone is racist, everyone complains on everything, government fucking their citizens on daily bases, healthcare is only good if you are healthy, students main aim is to leave the country and go to West (Germany, UK, Switzerland).

                                Women are nice though :3


                                  @Deadshot As a bulgarian citizen i can 100% confirm that - i study abroad cause education is shit. My friends who couldn't afford to go work or study abroad were all jealous and only spoke about how they are fcked up for life and doomed to live and suffer in this country.

                                  Besides that, by law the minimal wage is 150 euros (no joke) and there are people who are struggling to pay for their basic needs. Politicians are corrupt and don't even try to hide it and nobody cares about the future of the country. A grand total of around 300 doctors is getting trained every year for a state with a population of 7+ million citizens so healthcare is also going to shit.

                                  Beautiful country(and cheap as fck for a guy from a normal state), you guys should come visit to be honest, but don't think of staying for more than a few days/weeks :D


                                    Its more or less the same story of a whole region.


                                      Triplesteal - "i cant find appropriate cheese for my pizza cz of foreign trade restrictions".

                                      That's actually so retarded it's funny (and sadly it is the truth). After Russia imposed certain trade restrictions, imports of international food have been reduced greatly and are almost non-existant. So you can't get proper parmesan cheese (but there are still Swiss cheeses in retail, because Switzerland was unaffected by previously mentioned regulations) and there are no imported Valio dairy products (only Russian franchise of it). That's just one example, but there is so much more.

                                      @napcake, I got my BSc from London and despite currently living in Moscow I'd never want to get my master's degree or MBA here cause the unis are all shit haha

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                                        the foreign policy of russia is descending into 2k mmr trench, ples halp

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                                            You are going to sleep?
                                            I woke up yesterday at 11 and I'm not planning on going to sleep any time until 22:00 today, слип ис фор те вик.

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                                                It's true but if you are actually smart and you study and have good grades you can get a really paid job or become a coach like Blunt and make 550$/month Kappa.
                                                On a serious note, Romania is really trash and we're getting stolen by the government every day but I guess it's same for all Eastern Europe. Although Romania is not as bad as Bulgaria or Moldova for example and even Ukraine to an extent.

                                                the realm's delight

                                                  its ww3

                                                  Hex Sigma

                                                    s5(dog dude) is right. I'm from Romania and the socio-economical situation is bad. Like really bad. In my country only the ones which have tremendeously high salaries can for instance plan their holidays or free time. Most of us work only to pay taxes and we barely have any money left for food or clothes. That's why(and havoc surely knows) not only us but also a large part of eastern europeans migrate into the UK, Germany or other countries.

                                                    Generally the government always demands more while giving less if anything at all. Students follow universities for nothing at all mainly cause they don't find any job on the domain that they trained themselves for.

                                                    And if they do they will find only a shitty job with a shitty income(like taxi driver for example). Imagine that doctors who train themselves for so long(like 8 years or so) end up being paid with the minimum wage(which, is and I'm not kidding, 250 euros).
                                                    The only branch that works really good is the one regarded to computers and technology.

                                                    The political class that came after the communism fell, was so corrupted that they even destroyed what was built by the commies and those before them. Only to make money which came down to their pockets. And if you think about it, it's pretty sad that a country such as mine(which has plenty of opportunities and resources) is down to such poverty.

                                                    Romanians are so unhappy cause of the whole situation. Imagine yourself working on a shitty wage, which barely enough to sustain yourself/you family, with some few breaks inbetween, no vacancies or so, and above all the anxiety that you can lose even that dammned shitty job that you have. Not so all around fun time eh?

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                                                      as time goes i remember more things
                                                      just in case, im talking 'bout russia, it can not be applied to the rest of countries

                                                      approximately one year ago, in january-march 2014 period some shit happened with social media. apparently it waws related to russian-ukranian conflict, but Im not rly sure - in that period i lived in EUW where ppl didnt pay a lot of attention to this stuff. somehow the content in internet that was always rather liberal and opposed to current power changed drastically. in my opinion, it should have been paid by some1, cause the change was very strange and occured in short period of time. as a result of this propaganda, atm ~90% of internet supprt Putin etc., people seriously consider that Obama is the reason of everything bad occuring in the world, etc. Runet became similar to russian tv, and it kinda sucks.

                                                      Hex Sigma

                                                        ^so you're russian I guess? Can you give me a reason(our country may be in deep shit) why does Putin go so far with the military threats? The russian government threatened my country a lot and most of us wanna leave cause we're afraid of a war.


                                                          ^i dont keep an eye on current political situation any more.
                                                          there is a political concept of external enemy. once you have it, internal problems disappear. its like a national idea. people focus their minds on some other country as enemy/reason of them living so bad instead of blaming current political system. that might be the cas here.

                                                          the realm's delight

                                                            i aint afraid of no war

                                                            kvasius # KSVM

                                                              As Ukrainian I can say that food is somewhat expensive. 1kg of the same buckwheat costs around 21-23 UAH (~1$), bread (social one, which is kinda cheaper and a little bit older) is like 5 UAH/ 25-30 cents. But the main reason in it that there are no work here. In RU, I think, you can actually get some work. Here it is... it's atrocious. You can work 2 weeks, 12h per day/night for something like 40-70$. Even with all social benefits I have (as wounded ex-military), it's kind of hard to live with what you have. After all taxes,I think it's 80-90$ (2K UAH) max to live for a month. I cant actually say correct numbers, $'s price is different in different places. I believe official UAH/$ is somewhere around 23-24 UAH per 1 $, but I may be wrong. The good thing that national products arent that bad. People can feed themselves, with some rare exceptions of unworkable/old ones, but our region society try to help them in some ways. So, it's hard, but... idk how to write it correctly, i will say it's surviveable. Still better than trenches.

                                                              Also, public transport prices are slowly rising from 3 to 5 UAH. It doesnt look that big, but its really hard for people's overall economic situation.

                                                              Yeah, political shit is kind of annoying. Every mass media is lying and shitting at each other. Only true news I believe (and which are not paranoidal shit/rainbow-ish cancerous lie) is from my friends/relatives who works in regional government or still being at service "there". More then half of people I know just want it all to go to its rational ending. Others are preparing for worst case scenario (fullscale war/whoknowswhatshitcanhappen).

                                                              About students, I think I can try to speak with some students from nearby universities. Also, from what I heard from the street/transport trashtalks, a decent amount of them are playing Dota.

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                                                              Low Expectations

                                                                Rasp the problem is that you have a shitload of uni-courses that are completly retarded like Europeism/Genderstudies/travelstudies/sociology/culture studies one can go on and on how many of these programs there are and theyvery few to no jobs. The government demands more because of how inefficient their burocrasy is.And to top it all off you cant eradicate the buirocrasy because then like 5-10% will lose their "essential" jobs that surve literally no purposue.
                                                                People overall are stupid looking down on people who have no uni-degree (who often earn more than people with these dumbass degrees)

                                                                The situation in Ukraine is so f-up not even funny, Russians "defending" their territory and doing "military exercises" at the boarders while literally asking people during public funerals in Crimea for support with fighting in UA. In Crimea the voting process: Who do you want to belong to 1)Russia 2)Russia 3)Russia "HURR DURR GUYS WE WON CRIMEA CONFRIMED RU". Russian radios saying that in UA people are using money with Hitlers face etc :D "Rebels" who are simply russians who fled to UA because of their weak borders post the president fuckup and now they say that "we want to be a part of russia"- noone is denying there were peopel of russian decent in UA but... really?
                                                                Meanwhile you have Eu West complete inability to mount any sort of united front (ex. France blocking trade routes with Russia while selling them military ships HURR DURR WE ARE FRANCE WHAT IS LOGIC) UK wanting out of EU. Meanwhile you have people critisizing Merkel for being the only person who has more balls than the entire Europe combined. Then you have the Polish president who is literally the biggest conformist-0backbone-plislovemeworld being all like "we support UA but lets not anger putin unless he wins"

                                                                Russia is overall so extremy undemocratic where a small select group of post-KGB (or people assosiated with it) higher ups still hold major positions or unless they are completly under Putins thumb where the people have been governed by the same people for such a long time they dont even know that they dont have democracy anymore. Putin wants to have the old USSR territory as he sees the "new countries" as rightfully Ru territory but since hes actually an intelligent and taking the ample oppertunities of how inapt the EuWest leaders are hes carefully planning every move.

                                                                Also at the same time you have shitload of arabs comming to Eu being all like "LOL, Eu= new arabia, problems?"

                                                                Is there anyone that was not offended if so tell me from where you are I will try my best


                                                                  tell me something about moldova, i want to be more offended than i am (i dont think thats possible tho)

                                                                  Hex Sigma

                                                                    ^i'll tell you what's told in Romania about Moldova.

                                                                    Basically we see you as romanians(well cause you fuckin are tbh) but you can't unite back with us cause of ruskis which hold the political power. Also you territory was so debated between Romania and Russia and for so long that most of your citizen have been "rusified".

                                                                    However even tho Moldova would reunite itself with Romania I dont see how that is gonna help the overall shit situation regarding both countries.


                                                                      EU is shit....US is shit

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                                                                          ^ ...ok, I guess since the Internet already lost both Kim Jong-Il and Hugo Chávez, Putin would be the obvious sequel for all these kind of stuff.

                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            That's what happens when socialists and communists run everything it degrades into an oligarchy where they shit in everyone else. Don't fret the U.S. will be joining you in ~75 years


                                                                              ^USA is already there. =)

                                                                              "Obama Hawaii Christmas vacations over the past three years have cost taxpayers $15,540,515.10 in travel expenses alone"



                                                                                obama kawaii?


                                                                                  ^^ I am fairly sure that isn't true. that website looks a lot like republican propaganda, it also stated that the fuel cost for his flight was over $200,000 but if you check with Google it only costs about $5,000 to fly a private jet from DC to Hawaii (I didn't fact check anything else but it looks suspicious when the first thing I check is wrong).

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                                                                                    Republican propaganda? No!

                                                                                    Shout. Shout! SHOUT OUT HIS NAME!

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      it costs a crapload of money every time Air Force one takes off. Even if the numbers are inflated Obama has taken like three times as many vacations as bush did and he took a ton more than his predecessors. I did read an estimate that one Obama term costs almost a billion dollars in expenses. For example the White House has their own organic garden with professionals tending it. Someone estimated based on the staff and output one head of lettuce costs like 5000 to grow


                                                                                        We are poor as fuck and people are bydlo.


                                                                                          ^^ look I don't even like Obama, but you really should watch where you are getting your information from. for it to cost $5,000 to grow one head of lettuce they would have to have 1 full time employee getting paid $50,000 a year(which is a more then most gardeners get) to tend to 10 lettuce plants. No administration no matter how incompetent is going to pay a full time employee $50K to do about 15-30 min of work a year.

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                                                                                            typical apartment in small cities of Russia


                                                                                            waku waku

                                                                                              i used to live in a village and the government demolished our house and forced us to move too, but the new conditions were actually better, the only good thing about that house was that i had my own separate room

                                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                                That's what I'm saying, they have a full time gardener for her little garden. Which actually isn't that little, it's like 1000 sq feet. But anyway. You can just google how much does obama spend and get tons of hits. It's obscene.


                                                                                                bush went on tons of vacations too much most were at his ranch and costs far, far less. Obama's do a ton of international travel.

                                                                                                Personally I don't really care if the country was going well but we have something like 20% of all households on food stamps now. Government spend 76 billion on food assistance last year so obama's vacations seem like a drop in the bucket compared to that.

                                                                                                But income disparity keeps getting larger and larger. It did under bush too. Both parties suck and only cater to elitists which is same situation as in russia. And if republicans win the house and senate and presidency in 2016 lord help us cus a lot of them want a flat tax which is a terrible idea for the middle class and poor.

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