General Discussion

General DiscussionVery high skill games, flame and abusing reporting

Very high skill games, flame and abusing reporting in General Discussion

    34% winrate

    i think you miscalculated

    Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

      OK lets see what we have here.

      1. people that dont read my posts but still try to explain why I am wrong. (I said I play PA as NP but they still try to tell me that BKB and Abyssal is better items for me)
      2. ordinary internet trolls
      3. flame, insults and mocking
      4. people that claim mathematical analyzes being irrelevant
      5. people that claim dps/gold is irrelevant
      6 and so on...

      No, I am NOT going to comment this.


        If your reading comprehension skills are so bad that you interpreted my post as saying that mathematics analyzes are always irrelevant, then you deserve your current MMR.


          i don't even know where to begin describing how retarded you are

          did you really make another normal skill smurf
          how did you even made it to vhs?

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              Just look at the bright side! It seems like you are no longer in VHS, so this thread is a moot point now.


                pa like np - since when you rush daedalus , yasha and vladimirs offering on np?
                a np will either push like fuck, or he will gank wth some ethereal dagon orchid build (or both, he is a versatile hero)
                you managed to accomplish neither, so effectively you didn't play pa like np.

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                Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                  This "smurf" failed since I got matched with 3 and 4 man stacks that feed from min 0. Nothing I can infleunce TBH. Just check the stats etc. if you dont believe me. Which I know you dont.

                  Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3


                    "i don't even know where to begin describing how retarded you are"

                    This is my education:

                    M.Sc. Enigneering Physics
                    M.Sc. Management and Economics of Innovation
                    B.Sc. Buisness Administration.

                    But OK, lets say I am "retarded". I dont care.

                    The policy at my work place says I cant tell you where I work but it is an international car manufacturer. A well know brand selling cars all over the world. They dont think I am retarded.


                      "I said I play PA as NP but they still try to tell me that BKB and Abyssal is better items for me"

                      1. In what way can PA possibly play like NP? do you have global ganks starting at lvl 3 to shut the other team down? no. do you have summons to grab the creep wave and let you safely offlane? no. do you have those same summons to help you push? no. do you have an escape? no. just because you attack a tower at some point doesn't make you a rat hero. maybe after 4 items you can start to split push with her, but if you need 4 items to be a productive rat you should have just picked someone else.

                      2 for tower damage abyssal is better then Daedalus, since you cant crit towers, its also one of the best 1v1 fighting items in the game, so if someone does TP back to defend you will have better odds fighting them. but if really you want high tower damage go desolator.

                      3 BkB on NP is fine, its good on anyone who doesn't want to be disabled and bursted down.

                      "people that claim mathematical analyzes being irrelevant"

                      no, people are telling you that the mathematical analyzes that YOU POSTED is irrelevant. it doesn't matter how many possible item builds there are, all but a few are going to be bad in any and every situation. it doesn't matter how much damage you do per hit per gold spent, if you aren't factoring in how fast you will attack, or how long you will be able to attack for.


                        well you obviously care if you spend time typing out your education

                        you are spending your time making calculations but those fail if you don't realise the basic things

                        Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3


                          Lets talk in general and not about a single game. Yasha was not a good item choice that game. And I usually dont build it with PA.

                          Reasons why it is possible to play PA as NP:
                          1. high DPS vs creeps, towers and rax. During early, mid and late game.
                          2. cant be seen on the mini map if no other enemy heroes are around. Which make it easy to take down a tower fast without being seen on the map. or even raxes.
                          3. can win 1vs1 vs most heroes that would try to stop her split push. can win 1v2 vs many heroes.
                          4. can build up large creep waves with generally usefull low price items like headress and Ring of Aqua or vlads.
                          5. can tank the towers and enemy creep waves with evasion and life steal.
                          6. good escape with the right items
                          7. has good carry potential in the end game like NP
                          8. she dont have the pushing power from the NP ultimate but she has higher dps in the area where she is.

                          OK, now please tell me why you dont think this is enough for a usefull split pushing strategy similare to playing NP.

                          Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3


                            I dont care if you call me retarded. But I think it is fun to "troll" you. That is why I answer.
                            And it is always interesting to see how people respond to my posts. But I dont care about your insults.


                              please stop posting
                              you're just embarassing yourself

                              Bad Intentions

                                i think the thread starter is a girl :O

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                                  The reason why you can't play pa as NP.
                                  You dont have treants to scout with.
                                  You need to get bots to be (less) global.



                                    ^i think this guy has a point


                                      oh did someone say grills?

