General Discussion

General Discussionthat feeling when....

that feeling when.... in General Discussion
5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

    i calibrated at 4.7k back in december 2013, and i noticed that in the past 6 months i haven't seen almost any of the players i used to get matched with (exception of the 5500-7000 players) on my currently 5.6k main

    BUT when i play on my 4k smurf, i still run into them sometimes. you recognize their names immediately cuz they are literally the worst scum of the earth

    stay in the 4k bracket u fucking shitcans, that's what u get for holding me back for so long

    5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

      oh and those who did make it out are most likely low 5k which is still kind of trash but whatever, i would rather wait 8 min in queue and get low 5k players than 3 minutes and get 4k players

      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
      John Ghotti

        shut up retarded 4k smurf


          "those who did make it out are most likely low 5k which is still kind of trash" - Omega 2015

          Ah I see you're following the age old dota rule: "Any mmr below me is trash, any mmr above me is pro."

          5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

            no it's more like an observation

            5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

              it's sometimes difficult to tell the difference between someone who's 5700 vs 6200 but u can most certainly tell the difference between 5600 and 5000, assuming u have working eyes and brains

              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                can you tell the difference between 5700 lina and 4800 shaker

                casual gamer


                  the lina had 47 tower damage



                    Lina being the support like a true 5.7k player adapting to whatever the team needs


                      pretty impressive, only a truly good dota player could get 4 kills and 9000 hero damge bare foot while carrying 4 donkeys on their back.




                          this forum is still clowny

