General Discussion

General Discussioni want to improve and go to high skill bracket

i want to improve and go to high skill bracket in General Discussion

    im currently at high skill bracket and i just want to know how matchmaking works? how can i go to the high skill bracket? do i just need to improve my kda ratio or do i need tp keep winning games? im playing in SEA server and usually here, everybody wants to play carry or mid and if i got lucky i got the mid lane, i still need to buy my own wards and fc because supports usually focus on farming instead of ganking, in short i usually do a little bit of everything from ganking to putting wards and more ganking to make sure my carries will get their farm but it often sacrifices my xpm and gpm and i really hate picking carries because everybody including supports focus on farm instead of giving me space to farm. so i usually pick supports, i still win games but it sacrifices my kda ratio. any advice guys?


      win games

      play on your main account


        im stucked at 3k on my main account. i went as low as 2.8k through as high as 3.2 but i keep going back at 3k mmr. its pretty toxic in normal skill mmr in SEA server. ive played with 4k players on their original account and all they do is keep whining and yet they cant carry the team

          Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
          U wot m8?

            pick one hero and do good with it and u will be in VHS in no time


              u may calibrate a bit higher than ur main acc but u will be 3k in no time if u keep playing like this


                fyyqngkinog im just wishing to calibrate a high 3k. i just want to know if my stats before my calibrating match matters or not. im new to dota 2 so im just asking if kda ratio or win rate ratio or xpm or gpm or all of the above or everything matters on calibrating mmmrss

                Mortimer Smith

                  3.2-3.7 no more


                    x6 well if iget 3.5-3.7 then it would be great


                      fyyqungkingla thanks. just wanted to know if kda,xpm,gpm,winloss ratio matters or all of the above to calibrate my games.


                        overall performance including gmp expm kda hd in comparison to the rest 9 people matters on calibration games

                        wins / losses doesnt even matter

                        Mortimer Smith

                          i muss you 2 much :..(