General Discussion

General DiscussionDID WAVE finally killd himself for REAL?

DID WAVE finally killd himself for REAL? in General Discussion

    Whers wave guys?

    Still stuck in low 5ks smurfing trying to finally hit leaderboards with Ensage/south afrika abuse?

    or gave up on professional 4k troll achievment and commited suecide for real ?

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert
    bum farto

      Wave hit the leaderboards one two accounts and is still up ther afaik, he has been selling accounts and boosting and doesn't really give two shits anymore about the opinions of people on a forum.

      I think Kami, and FyyQ play with him from time to time.

      5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

        oh man this thread is priceless

        < blank >

          Priceless like your smurf account

          kanye went to uni

            he posts on nadota, seems like a better fit for him really

            the realm's delight

              wave told me to post on nadota too cause dotabuff is full of inbred autists
              he wasnt wrong


                HAHAHAHHA WAVE HAS NEVER BEEN on leaderboards, abused 6k dont hit the leaderboards, .. you mean boosting the 1--3k accounts ;D???


                  tbh i read nadota forums few times

                  its full of autist inbreds too fiy

                  kanye went to uni


                    you dont find this sort of stuff here

                    nadota forums are amazing

                    bum farto

                      Wave was adamantly against some of the people who did abuse to get to the leaderboards by using bots or queuing weird modes and servers. Sounds like someones a has a little bit of a grudge.

                      He has comes and goes as do a lot of players that don't solo queue that much on their mains anymore. W33's main isn't up there now, and WildM33poPicker is his smurf. Beesa was in the top 10 but isn't there anymore cause again, he doesn't solo queue much at all on his main.

                      Look at me, Hector.

               this is his last smurf, where is south africa or 5k? why is a borderline 5000 ES picker calling someone out


                          wave is fine. and i love him and this is not his last smurf btw ^

                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                          bum farto

                            I have stage 2 cancer from NADota!


                              thats his "5k" last smurf with match data turned off after every loss whenever he didnt forget to turn it off:)

                              Badger, wave was ONE of the first to abuse south africa/ double account grinding , prty funneh how u actually believe that guy beeing against it OPENLY for the naive.

                              Or do you believe his profound theory of hidden pool also ?

                              Now here come the bum animebumboys protecting poor kid;D

                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                              Look at me, Hector.

                                is sunnz mentally brain damaged


                                  He was on leaderboards, i know for a fact. And why does it matter to you?

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                                  bum farto

                                    You're just pulling all the abuses you can think of out of the air and accusing him of it.

                                    Turning match data off doesn't help sell accounts as most people will buy an account with low winrate so long as it's high rating.

                           that account is 6600 last I remember seeing him playing on it.
                           his first smurf that he turn sharing off a year ago is 6300 or higher at this point.

                                    He was recalibrated at 5.4 and played it back up to 6K+ so again, I dunno where you're getting your facts from or why your digging up your old grudges. Why do you even care?

                                    There was a post by fletcher a year back (valve emp. afaik) that mentioned it was something they were working on (hidden pool) but was never officially announced or released. What is the point of hidden pool if everyone can find it?


                                      Hidden pools already exists. Chris's account ended up in the multibox/sandboxie pool for example. Not sure which other pools were implemented.

                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                        trash pool
                                        the one in im atm.

                                        bum farto

                                          This patch is not kind to Meepo outside of stacking Xan, also not very good on Axe so I need to rework how I play him when I get the time.

                                          Giff me Wingman

                                            looks like havoc likes to lick someones ass.

                                            '6.6k' account plays against 5 people with 4k mmr, seems legit.

                                            2nd account is shadowbanned.

                                            The reason why wave got the fuck off was because he realized that people were getting on to him. He is nothing more than a 4k trashlord that tried to abuse on so many ways. It's no secret that wave is absolutely trash. I've even seen him play and getting destroyed by a 4.3k mid without supports helping out. His TA is so bad it's amazing he even tried to flame Waga's TA.

                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                            bum farto

                                              I just don't care about age old grudges anymore.

                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                Then why are you still spreading nonsense?

                                                bum farto


                                                  A. I have him on friendlist and can see his rating.
                                                  B. Have watched him stream ranked on two smurfs and seen their rating.

                                                  Just saying in the same way I think it's not a stretch of the imagination that you have turned off match sharing and continued doing ranked meepo that you could be very well be very high 5K on your main. Do I think you're 6k. Not really but if I can casually reach 5.3 by doing one ranked a week then you could easily have gone much, much higher doing hardcore ranked games.

                                                  People underestimate players because of historical opinions on them. You see my point? No one cares about Waves current rank or what he's doing which is why OP should just move on and continue doing his thing.

                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                    Make a screenshot with the last played match in it.

                                                    I've watched his stream as well, 4k trash pretty cool story.


                                                      "No one cares about Waves current rank or what he's doing which is why OP should just move on and continue doing his thing."

                                                      this. Besides... for whatever abuse he did with other players, his skill was never really in question. More the fact that he sold accounts repeatedly while constantly bitching about account buyers ruining his games.... and his vile personality.

                                                      Look at me, Hector.

                                                        sunzz is borderline 5k with es/slark/troll and the other kid is borderline 5k with thousands of meepo games, i can see the correlation and frustration wave must have caused you two monkeys


                                                          WAVE IS SOO NUB WHY U TALK ABOUT HIM!!! HE DONT DESERVE A THREAD!!! HE 2K U DUMMIES NOT 3K!!!

                                                          Dotabuff, :facepalm:

                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                            How's that road to 4k coming along?


                                                              hi guys im wave on a friends smurf.

                                                              no im not shadow banned, why would i be? ive never queued south africa in normal/ranked mm and i dont know why you two keep googling my 'name' just to say this shit on other places about me lmao, its actually embarrassing since i can just stream > find a match > pops up within 3-4 minutes which ive done numerous times on my 6k and 6.5k smurf the past few months.

                                                              if you want me to boost you two since both of you seem to be struggling at 5000-51000 mmr with earth spirit, slark, meepo and troll warlord, i'll gladly do it but not for free and my prices will be insanely high just for you two.

                                                              i mean ur probably right, i did play against a couple of 4ks late at night while i was 6.3k in december or so , just look at this tremendously shitty TA who blames it on lag when his ping was at 40-50 and everyone else fluctuated around 120-150 (heads up for you truesight folks who can paste the chatlog in here) or heres another random match i just found , totally 4.5k players in this one HeHeh mr 5k meepo player.

                                                              great smurf here "6k meepo player" who fluctuates between high skill and vhs which is 3500-3700 MMR to be exact.

                                                              w/e this is just making me look like a fucking idiot for falling to two idiots trying to bait me and this will be my last post.

                                                              >>if anyone plays warthunder, aom, world of warships, kancolle or civ 5 (all dlcs), let me know since im getting tired of dota 2<<

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                                                                  oh man, im sorry i must have been wrong all along .

                                                                  gona hit that follow button, cant wait to see ya stream some 6k+ games with your leaderboard acc .

                                                                  take care bro, im glad you still havnt killd yourself ;D

                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                    he didn't call anyone an autist.

                                                                    Not sure if it is really wave.



                                                                      idk if this was the point of your thread but now it basically portrays you as an idiot and wave as a cool high skilled player

                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                        indeed. Even wave is smart enough to figure out i stacked with a guy who has insanely low mmr.

                                                                        Also the lack of autistic, autism or trash is proof that the text couldn't possibly come from wave.

                                                                        EDIT: I also liked how lina and lycan carried wave in that slark match. Pls more.

                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                        Look at me, Hector.

                                                                          20k hero dmg slark got carried by 18k hero dmg lina and 11k hero dmg lycan in a pubstomp, strong math skills there kid

                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                            Oh sorry, i didn't know that the only factor was hero damage.

                                                                            And there i thought it was about destroying the enemies ancient.

                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                              l o l saves a 5month old game, proud much lol?


                                                                                  check mate


                                                                                      Fucking Manti


                                                                                        Te'o didn't bust in his first season so he is going to be fine in the NFL

                                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                                          Holy shit this song is better than most pop crap lately


                                                                                            Damn I missed this thread in action.


                                                                                              seems like wave has some fans


                                                                                                and I gotta say I LOLed at blunt asking for screenshots when he refuses to prove his MMR since forever

                                                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                                  Sano, show me ur mmr, u 3k scrub
