General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes doto sometimes promote racism?

Does doto sometimes promote racism? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Thoughts? experiences?


      Priviet, etot ruskij server, bliat? Da ili niet?!?

      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

        Yes, it does.

        Even the respected individuals make jokes on pinoys/brazil/peru/russians. And while sometimes people are only joking about it, like how saying fuck you can be either an insult or a casual remark, its still sad.


          people are racist, not dota... :-) see the fault in yourself before looking for the "causes"

          plz do

            Its not dotas fault. The general anonymity in dota/steam gives us no reason to respect one another, so we can try to flamebash everything as hard as possible without consequences. And the hardest flames are racist or pedofile or something like that. If u did it like that in a rl society (football club, school, work, family), you would get kicked out pretty soon - but the way pubs work in dota, it cannot grow a responsible pub society. You can report ofc, but who cares? If you get banned, u just set up new steam account. So yeah, it kinda does promote racism, but it's not dota's fault.

            I congratulate everyone who keeps his head cool and is a good role-model for other players.

            King of Low Prio

              correlation /= causation



                bum farto

                  Does reddit cause autism?
                  Does youtube cause stupidity?
                  Does 9gag cause immaturity?
                  Does facebook cause self obsession?
                  Does tumblr cause ignorance?

                  Like Sampson rightly said correlation does not imply causation.

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                    Ofc it does.


                      Well I guess he's not asking about whether it causes it, but whether it promotes it.

                      To answer your question, it does. But the internet in general promotes these kinds of things because of, as hush hush has mentioned, our anonymity.


                        eating bananas promotes racism too.

                        Greygrey the Sailor

                          A bit, but more of it is the fact that you are given an anonymous nature (no consequences) and you are in a stressful environment based on communication.

                          If we could all speak one language regardless of race/nationality it would be fine, it's the fact that we cannot communicate is the problem

                          plz do

                            Imagine if we couldn't hide and had to show publicly our real faces and real names w mobile numbers and adresses. hahaha. The internet would be so uncool. Well, i guess it needs to be private to a certain extend.

                            What dota actually does promote is sexism w most of its pornographic, female characters. Big boobed, short skirted and lots of skin..

                            < blank >

                              Lesbian Commander?

                              plz do

                                for what other reason than pron is potm so popular.

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                                  Tumbr feminist



                                    Quick maffs

                                      Dota promotes sexism ......

                                      Sure mate

                                      Whenever i see someone talking in russian ( or spanish ) in chat i know i am screwed, that doesnt mean that i think russians are inferior or anything like that.

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                                        Depends on the allies on your team. If they are bad players it promotes racism but if they are good players it promotes friendship/teamplay and good manners!