General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes this mean I've been on the decline since I started playing D2? P...

Does this mean I've been on the decline since I started playing D2? Post your Average stats!!! in General Discussion

    That last red one LMAO. 1-11 week. Thank god its over

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      Nah not rly


        well, im not the only one with tp scroll as most common itemz


          as u improve u gt smarter/better oponents game becomes much harder to stomp

          if before ranked whatever i could easily have 10 kda on any hero played now with 5-7k players in my games its even a challenged to get to 4 kda



              bum farto

                No. If you actually hover you will see it's quantity of matches and not winrate saturation. The amount you play has decreased slightly but your over all winning rate performance hasn't

                Use the trends for that


                  jeez dravic. that some serious tilt you have going on....

                  Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                    Pretty irrelevant.

                    The only thing noticeable is that the last 3 weeks have been my longest winstreak ever.

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                      kvasius # KSVM

                        That empty thingy.... ok.

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