General Discussion

General DiscussionPubs the same whatever your MMR?

Pubs the same whatever your MMR? in General Discussion

    Wanted to watch a 1st page Meepo match and found this top of the page:

    I've honestly never seen a worse Meepo. Wasn't feeding or being focussed or anything, he was just rubbish.

    Turns out it is only his fifth game as Meepo on Dotabuff.

    Not really any point to the thread except it is depressing to discover you get shit like people picking heroes they can't play all the way up to the top of the match list.


      the only difference is if this guy played meepo at 2k mmr he would probably go 60 0 or something like that


        He might have randomed? Maybe he wants to practice Meepo or perhaps it's for his hero challenge?


          Not really any point to the thread except it is depressing to discover you get shit like people picking heroes they can't play all the way up to the top of the match list.


            i would have fed too if i had 4 other carries in my team while playing meepo


              @troyboi sadly i don't think he would. not with meepo. 23LH in a 20min game isn't going to stomp anything.

              @jussi don't think any of those are excuses whilst playing Ranked. It is rude to play ranked with a hero you play at an effective MMR much lower than is being used in matchmaking. is fine to random if you regularly random and it is fine to pick a hero for the all-hero challenge if you can already play them. this guy would struggle against easy bots with meepo yet picked it in the highest skill pub going.


                @duo mid expert: he didn't feed - he was just rubbish.


                  i know the guy, he is decent player. he doesnt play meepo tho.
                  could be numerous reasons tbh. you tab in game and see 3 cores + jungle, so you random or shit like that.

                  who knows why he played meepo.


                    dota is a complex game. Who would have thought


                      @xan - yeah i'm not having a go even if it looks like it - just think it is a bit rude to pick heroes you can't play in ranked.


                        Again, doubt he picked. Think it was random last pick judging from the game link.
                        Its really hard to give a damn when your team locks 3 cores + jungler instantly.

                        Honestly, jungle roles are a cancer to dota.

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