General Discussion

General DiscussionI will calibrate soon, guess my mmr

I will calibrate soon, guess my mmr in General Discussion

    High skill one is because I was in a stack with low mmr friends.




        Around 3.9 - 4.2k




            Yeah, this is what I thought. Still level 12, I'll let you know when I calibrate.
            BTW meepo game was a disaster, he last picked random alchemist, so I was forced to go lvl 1 jungle. After my 16 min agh it was all about WR and Viper picking off people because of no map control.


              tell us your mmr... I'm curious!!!


                wasn't max calibration capped at 4.5k or something?

                King of Low Prio

                  usually their silence says alot about smurf players. They are loud and obnoxious until they see their inflated MMR slowly deteriorate


                    calibrated 4.1, now I'm 4220

                    nice deteriorating

                    and however I think it's too low cause 5 calibrations out of 10 were complete bullshit


                      doesn't matter, your score is not uniquely based on calibrations.


                        You can now see average mmr. My first calibration was at 4.4k mmr, then it dropped down. If my calibration went better I could have been 4.4+

                        King of Low Prio

                          you gained 120 MMR winning 4 matches and losing 1 sure thing bro. I also like how in your desperate attempt to maintain your current MM you swapped to position 5 role.


                            damn i was close ^^^^^^^^^


                              I play support in solo queue on main. I played lots of carries and mid cause people kept telling me "if you play support in calibration you'll get low mmr"
                              your argument is so invalid, like if playing support would be cheating
                              go back to your high skill please

                              can we stop this retarded hate now?

                              King of Low Prio

                                post main then if you want to people to take you seriously. I bet your mains MMR is not even above 3.3k


                                  Take me seriously for what? LMAO
                                  why you care so much for my mmr

                                  Smurfing is legit, you will not calibrate an mmr that you don't deserve, there are no abuses anymore and there is a calibration cap.

                                  My main can be even 1k, I calibrated this mmr and it means this is my rating. You can smurf too, you'll get 3k if you deserve 3k. I have nothing else to say.

                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                  King of Low Prio

                                    So your MMR is only correct when you like it? I can give a accurate analysis of your main account
                                    1-3k matches played
                                    3.2k-3.6k MMR. The fact that I am higher than your main shows that you are trash shoo noob

                                    Mortimer Smith

                                      SAMPSOOOOOOOOOOON, I FUCKING LOVE HOW UGLY ARE U

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        I dont want to appeal to your 10-13 age demographicso that is fine :P