General Discussion

General DiscussionMek, Pipe, Drum?

Mek, Pipe, Drum? in General Discussion

    I have a quick question about these items specifically as they are aura/active to allies.

    My understanding of these items GENERALLY speaking is as follows. These are some things I have previously read or heard about in game and am wondering how much truth they hold:

    1. Mek - should be picked up by someone every game, usually someone durable who has mana to use it easily. Question - If I am in a pub and playing a carry like Luna, Troll, Naga, Spectre, AM ect. and nobody else will/wants to pick this item up should I suck it up and get it or is it a total waste?

    2. Pipe - Not really popular because of item cost, very situational. Good against lots of magic damage due to heavy resistance. Again should this be picked up if you are playing against a Lina/Zeus other caster team as a carry in replacement of something else? Likewise, is a HoD ever a good substitute for just yourself or is it better to go pipe or nothing because it benefits the team?

    3. Drum - Great item on a lot of heroes due to stats, good aura active, and fairly cheap. Built from items that are good early game and is good throughout game. Any reason to not really consider this item as a semi carry/ganker?

    Thanks in advance!

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      1- No

      2- Should get cloak at least and if you get a fast income aim for pipe

      3- Always almost unless you're going greedy (shouldn't)


        Benao got the point, but Id add to 2). that you shouldnt purchase pipe playing maincarry unless it is some weird bb/centaur, that is not rly common for pub games. just early cloack is enough.


          1. It depends on the hero you are playing and I dont mind if people would try it out.
          Pre-dmg nerf/net-nerf on naga I went Arcanes and Mek mid and was more of a utility-carry and it was very effective.
          I can see it work for all the heroes mentioned as long as you take advantage of it, however you should not buy it for the reason "just because no one bought it"

          2. Pipe is a very strong item and helps your team to survive however Imagine playing tide and you the enemies have both zeus and lina. Pipe can help to win a fight by pushing as in other situations you are rarely the aggressor. Generally speaking though Pipe falls off.

          In a Tide example. You get blink first regardless.
          You have the choice to either go Pipe or Refresher.

          Pipe gives Healthregen and Magical sturdy-ness.
          If a game turns out to be very passive you barely gain anything of 4k gold
          The most advantage you can take out of it is while pushign and forcing fights, which can be a 2 edged sword

          Refresher gives you Regen, DPS and a double Gush+Anchor Smash (#reference)
          The item can win you fights on its own really easily as the error margin for enemies is way higher and small mistakes can be punished HEAVILY.
          Even if you have no chance to fight, the item does not fall off!
          It is even a very strong down-time item when games are passive as you can farm way faster with it.

          3. Drums it is a go-to item on a few hero and would barely ever be wrong with it. Generally speaking you would NEVER get it "just because" or because its "the better bracer"
          Go-to heroes would be heroes such as CK, Troll, Naga, Naix.
          If you would get this item just because, let me just remind you that this item makes you just a little bit more survival but leaves your error margin in almost the same position.
          If you would a Meka/Force/Blink/Vlad/BM/Ghost on almost any hero you would have a way greater impact on any hero than going for drums for almost the same cost.

          casual gamer

            drums delays real items that do things, sometimes its good but id never get it on heroes like troll/storm/sf who need their core items fast

            mek is not needed every game, its a team sustain item that means you win early fights and can push down towers. There's no point buying it if you aren't going to group fight early as the active falls off later. Some heroes like viper and necro synergize very well with the active and buy it frequently

            pipe is good against aoe nukers like zeus, and also helps sustain pushes. The more hp you have the farther the mres will go, just like armor


              i get drums on sf as a poormans yasha if im going for a fast game =25 min


                yeah drums as a poor mans sny or something like that


                  All makes sense. Thanks for the advice guys!


                    BTW, Pipe isn't a counter to Lina, try Linken's Sphere instead.


                      or euls, the laguna blade has a delay of 0.25 before the damage applies but the spell still counts as used, so it's dodge-able

                      and she probably has her own euls, so getting a euls urself can prevent her stun (and rest of the combo) hitting

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                        the ghost is a counter to lina, much faster to activate and you don't get hit by laguna if you activate it as soon as lina releases theblue lightning


                          Mek is not bad on most heroes if you can utilize it well. If you have some sort of push lineup or can gather as 5 and take objectives.
                          I had voker recently picking up a mek after his orchid, worked wonders with my meepo tbh.