General Discussion

General DiscussionClimbing 5k in no time

Climbing 5k in no time in General Discussion

    so gay


      and then i looked at ur last games 2 storm games axxaxaxaxaxaxaxa

      legendary ball

        Dont give a shit... I already tired with 4k plyer... No decent pick .. Supp dont know how to zone.. Carry keeps throwing ... Trashtalk everywhere.. Kappa

        Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

          wow such personality much different so skill

          How typical.

          legendary ball

            Ynit what server r u playing at? Eu? Sea?


              his server is russki server


                troyboi is right, i always play with YNIT on mother russia

                legendary ball

                  I Always play with my 2 k or 3k fren. Thats why high skill shows up bois :)... We fvkin stomp that 3k after i got stomp by my own teamates at solo ranked :)

                  legendary ball

                    Tripple can u guys play in sea server? Or you cant coz its fvkin lag


                      it fucking laggs, unfortunatly. i got 300+ ping that sometimes goes up to 1k. thats quite sad, taking into account that i got a lot of friends playing on sea only


                        i think i have a game in sea where i supported my 3k friend with venge.
                        oh and yeah, i had like 490 ping

                        legendary ball

                          Wew... I cant leave sea server :(. Sad bois.. I wanna play with you guys once in a while... Can we party 5 n stomp africa server?


                            so that everybody had ping 600? I'm in.

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              I play all servers i have suppa poopa internet
                              have 100% wr in Africa KAPPA


                                Don't forget Troll Warlord! He's really fun MMR too!
