General Discussion

General DiscussionSniper OP!!! >:(

Sniper OP!!! >:( in General Discussion

    Pick Rate 46.59%
    Win Rate 53.67%

    That's in no case balanced!

    I don't want to lose a game, where my team dominated all lanes.
    Just because they have this one overpowered late game hero.
    No matter if his team mates play like idiots.

    Volvo, nerve this shit immediately!



      he's strong cuz of his early mid game, not late game. if you dominated him, late game should be a joke against a sniper. late game he's good at high ground defence but thats about it.


        sniper's winrate is greater in low-skill bracket and lower - on higher mmr levels and in competitive, afaik. He's not rly OP, it just doesnt require much skill to play him against against uncoordinated low-skilled players


          sniper squshy as fuck lol specially in normal skill u can wreck him ez


            He's #2 win rate in very high bracket. 56.77%


              He's the same as heroes like Drow, Viper and Riki. For some reason people refuse to gank them, they get farm and fed to people out of position. Way easier to gank a under farmed Sniper then a farmed one who will kite all your melee carries.

              My experience in low MMR anyway.


                half of vhs bracket is below 4.2k. i didnt mean dotabuff skill divisions.


                  this patch is garbage


                    I don't mean dotabuff skill divisions either. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that sniper's performance scales with skill level. There are a lot of examples on the first page of watch tab.


                      yup, current meta is based on very boring heroes

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        look at all the other heroes ......
                        valve cant balance this shit specifically for pubs cuz in competitive game will be retarded not fair
                        so just deal with it and if some hero is op then just pick it.
                        idk but i thought bash was better u could cancel channels and staff which is op


                          Mb you are right. My judgment was based just on observation of my games and general intuition, and therefore can be wrong.


                            Sniper is the new viper but with better kda. Essentially you play as gay as him in the laning phase and then instead of tanking and destroying, you spam and force them to fight on weak ground.

                            casual gamer

                              i believed in u all along sniper my friend

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