General Discussion

General DiscussionJust wrote a WW guide, would like some opinions about it.

Just wrote a WW guide, would like some opinions about it. in General Discussion

    im no ww player but i like when they max q


      ofc u max q lol

      its 1100 range 36% hp burn every 10 seconds

      like litteraly best harass from lvl 7 in the game

      Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

        Meh, i'd rather max the nuke to have more burst damage, fights doesn't happens that often early, and putting some points in Q doesn't give more damage

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            this nuke, is not rly a nuke if you 1 v1

            Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

              Nah it sucks in 1v1 situations but wyvern kinda sucks in 1v1s anyway


                it sucks at any kind of situations

                nuke is litteraly only usefull against retards or farming

                soulburn and heal is 10 times mroe usefull that shitty nuke

                also fucking blink is core item for WW theres nothing better for him than blink

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                  "fights doesn't happens that often early"

                  Indeed. If they did, that would actually be a good scenario to max the nuke...or not really, because you can still change targets while in Q to apply that 36% HP damage + slow to several heroes.


                    + to Duo Mid Expert's note about blink, its must-have for WW

                    milk that tastes like rea...

                      blink medallion for support ww

                      Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                        I did think about medaillon before, might be good. But about the blink as a core itemn i'm not really sure, she does have huge range on her spells, kinda like dazzle. Force staff is usually better & all around IMO.


                          blink into middle of teamfight

                          use on hero in middle of the teamfight ur ulti

                          watch his team beat the shit out of him

                          fly away like nothing happend

                          Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                            Or just position yourself correctly, i guess. It's not like a tide who needs to be at the center of the teamfight, or an enigma that needs to cover the distance with a blink because his ult's range is a one of a melee hero

                            Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                              I play offlane WW with maxing W first and I don't find that it only works against retards. I think in future people might learn how to dodge it, but currently I can destroy offlane with it better than Phoenix.

                              I also love Medallion on her, increases the damage and usefulness of the hero so much. The high cast range synergizes very well with the hero.

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                              Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                Allright then, i'll add medaillon as a core, just tried it out, and it's really good!

                                milk that tastes like rea...

                                  is that solo offlane ww smaug? also can i add you to watch your phoenix games?