General Discussion

General DiscussionTrying to get out of this fucking 20% win shit

Trying to get out of this fucking 20% win shit in General Discussion
the realm's delight



      Beano please stop shit posting literally no one cares if you're autistic


        I just reply to trash like you. No one gives a fuck but apparently your sorry fucking ass does

        Giff me Wingman

          funfact: You're both low 4k trash. Hence noone cares what both of you are posting.

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              its the other way around bro, they grouped up in my lane and THEY didnt give a shit, towers jsut fell uncontested because i was the only one there. those kills you see on them were behind tier 2 towers and far inside their jungle followed by feed because they tp'd and forced them to 5 man. that qop was 3k at most, fed all game and just ks, pure useless kills who cares if he can kill a support with ulti, in the teamfight he never did shit, i was present in all the fights and all i could do was stare cause they went 1 by 1 wasting spells on supports and dying, not killing anyone. You're welcome to watch the game. because you're just talking shit.

              I tried to go for the ez black wins 5 min midas+8 min dagger gank shit but they fucking 5manned and team ignored the shit out of me and GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GET IT?

              besides idk why i got slark... i firstpicked sf, decided i needed to pee, came back a few minutes later and i had slark in the portrait like wtf!

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