General Discussion

General DiscussionA rise in chaos knight popularity

A rise in chaos knight popularity in General Discussion

    Since the jugg/troll/axe fotm seems to get a little less popular. Ive been seeing CK alot in my recent games. Hes also played differently. Mostly as a fail dual offlane that end up having not much farm or safelane with the new neta battlefury build. It seems stupid at first but this fucking hero when last picked is like meepo or brood. When he pops manta+ult you gotta back and then he just rifts one shots you. And i havent seen armlet on them. This hero has massive strength gain with just manta and drums that he can snowball from that point.

    I love the hero and i like to play him, i was just wondering what made him more viable. I thought he was just the worst illusion core of the game since he seemed bad without ult and he cant farm for shit.

    I also saw one guy build a refresher on him. Game was hard...


      You said it yourself, if people at your bracket build Battlefury to farm fast with him then he no longer "cant farm for shit". And since his ultimate are the most powerful illusions in the game (even before the buffs to duration), then... welp. thats how it is. he's quite strong but as with any illusion hero that wants to fight, enemy with cleave can wreck him.

      Dire Wolf

        I haven't noticed him getting picked more and he's terrible in this meta because his farming is so bad. He has to score early kills and snowball and late you can just kite him. He'll rift one guy and blow them up but that's it, won't touch the rest. You definitely need to last pick him but even then he's not that hard to deal with.

        Big issue really is he just has no where to lane. Offlane, his rift is pretty good early for some kills but he won't get near enough farm there. And safe lane, there's tons of other better carries.

        Maybe that battlefury build is the way to go cus I've tried armlet and you farm decently but now you need lifesteal to sustain, s&y is amazing on him but then you delay bkb so badly, you can skip bkb altogether for heart or something but then you get cc'd etc. He needs a lot of items.

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          troll less popular? are you mad? He is the 7th most picked.

          casual gamer

            bfury ck = >Well Played!

            >Well Played!
            >Well Played!
            >Well Played!


              I mean, CK has no flash farming ability and has quite big mana problems. I reckon he might be really good Bfury carrier all things considered. He has innate crit, he has strongest illusions in the game, he has a long duration stun, he has a gap closer as a melee carry... and no way to farm. Bfury sounds a bit "unconventional" but might be what he needs to shine.

              skip shit like sange and yasha or armlet and go straight Skadi after treads, battlefury. then get manta style i guess. then maybe heart + satanic (stack stats).

              bkb might be very good too in some cases but in some cases it might be irrelevant. play around the ultimate and in the meanwhile, FARM!


                he's a very good pick this meta. Pro's haven't used him much though i think they may be waitinf for TI. We all saw what happened with troll/jugger/sniper and euls sf!

                edit: though na'vi did try it out but xboct went a stupid fuckig build and lost an ez fucking game (they never tried again)
                he went Midas->armlet(20 min)->another stupid item and fed whole midgame/lategame

                you should go drums->hot (20 min)->depends

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                  He farms slowly but he farms at the same rate no matter how bad your supports are. He is basically pub proof, even with an auto attacking support or 5 core lineup you can still get armlet /drums/manta and splitpush to victory






                      Wait, aren't you the one saying skadi is core on him?


                        Skadi isnt core but it's best effective HP item for illusion heroes in the game and very good offensive item for chasing (slow).

                        I'd say its excellent Chaos Knight 2nd big item, especially if you want to experiment with Battlefury on chaos knight.

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                          I was just asking since I noticed you have never successfully built the item on that hero. I also checked the front pages of the top 3 ck players and saw the item built once in those 3 pages of games. My comment was based on my own experience in the trench with that hero, where I have indeed played with terrible supports and have actually won games by split pushing. You seem to be theory crafting (read: talking out of your ass)


                            wat how is skadi better than hart on ck


                              How is it not? is CK some special case where Heart gives more Effective HP than Skadi? And i have NOT said that you shouldnt get Heart.

                              I actually said you COULD go bfury->skadi->manta->heart->satanic lets say or something like that. maybe yasha without full manta before heart.

                              CK can use some BKB-piercing chase potential, which skadi provides, too. And additional mana. Yep, this item has it all.

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                              casual gamer

                                25 attack speed and 3 armor i guess

                                Heart offers more burst with rift + crits though


                                  Yeah i think ill try battlefury on him. I swear i saw a team at DAC build bf on ck. Armlet offers more killing potential but bf would make him farm twice as fast without the need to go lifesteal early.




                                    You guys are so Kappa

                                    "skip sange and yasha, rush skadi"

                                    You seriously very Kappa Dravic :huh: :crazy: :laugh:

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                                      We were talking about some sub-5k mmr Battlefury build that apparently is stomping the shit out of OP and we went into topic of what to build on CK, and if i was playing CK with battlefury for whatever reason, yes, i would go straight big items, not some midgame sange and yasha. :)

                                      you obviously have snowballed with CK with typical treads drums SnY build which is completely fine by me. but as you know this is not a fast farming hero. if you for whatever reason failed to snowball vs some hero who is pretty good at dealing with CK (like Sven or Tiny) you might not be farmed enough to win the game. :P

                                      im not trying to push the battlefury build through, because i dont play this hero myself. however I do think that this hero needs to farm faster and he can use mana regen of battlefury. so whatever.


                                        bf is good, but after heart around min 25

                                        treads->drums->heart->bf rly rapes shit


                                          I dont see how you can get a heart under 30 min with that shit farming hero lol. You really gotta stomp the shit out of the ennemy team and push a tower with the remaining illusion, just like believerboy seems to do. And why would you go heart before manta/s&y? It has such an easy build up.


                                            srsly if you farm correctly you get treads+drums+heart <20 min. some kills + farm should give you bf min 25


                                              ^i think u officially lost all credibility after sayin trax>sf and got rekt by sf.
                                              so if u'd be so kind to not post ur opinion ever again.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                If you farm correctly... I have no clue how you farm correctly on a hero who can't even clear jungle without armlet + dominator. Treads + drums is shit for farming. Good enough to get some kills yes, but not to clear waves and rotate through farm lanes.


                                                  wanna stack right now?
                                                  and i stand on my statement about drow > sf!

                                                  you guys are just blind i rly don't udnerstand it but believe what you want!

                                                  Hope S4/rtz gets to play drow mid against sumail's sf or dendi sf

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                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Can we stay on thread discussion about ck please?


                                                      Why would you want to get a 25 minute battlefury on illusion hero who is one of the strongest lategame carries in the game?

                                                      Battlefury is not recommended item for him but if we were to build it on CK, the only purpose would be to increase and accelerate farming rate of the hero. Building everything you said miracleously at 25 min mark (4350bfury+1400treads+5500heart+1900drums = ~~13.000gold) means 525 GPM for first 25 minutes of the game on a hero who can't even clear jungle.

                                                      that is some sick farm mate. and i dont see any purpose of building that battlefury last when you already have a big item and since you have somehow (killing people for example) 500gpm without battlefury i dont know why you would buy battlefury at all by that point.


                                                        As a very old player , bfury is not old build , when u see bfury dk be sure 80% of the times its an old dota 1 player , in dota 1 we used to build dk , ck , sk(skeleton king) bfuries , for farming ofc, anyway ck with treads bfury armlet can work , maybe no armlet and buy other things like skadi/ hot / s&y
                                                        imho ck is extremly strong hero he can melt any1 , but no1 is trying him, finding the good build on him , maybe 1 more buff in the new patch will make people try him more , just like the mom build on jugger , dagger nature , euls sf , btw i would like to say i used to see and do it (the euls build in d1) when i did it in d2 i got to low p and stoped doing it till now xD


                                                          yeah i also got lp for doing it on sf xD and seriously wanna stack, support me and ill get treads drums hot bf in 25
                                                          edit: i just got out of lp so i can :)

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                                                            you should get db+ :) ->can analyze so much better


                                                              what u mean get late battlefury on CK lol

                                                              You get pt drums sny hot >25min easily, and that's not cause you afk in the jungle, that's cause you participate in fights and get towers.

                                                              Althought I prefer pt drums sny blink.

                                                              Mortimer Smith

                                                                i lost so hard againist io+ck mid (2 games in a row the same dudes), they rekt my team and i so hard, 22 min treads armlet drums tarrasq

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  "You get pt drums sny hot >25min easily, and that's not cause you afk in the jungle, that's cause you participate in fights and get towers."

                                                                  If your team is successfully doing that anyway then it doesn't matter what you build cus you are snowballing at that point. That's my opinion. Not saying going bfury at that point is wrong, it's fine, but you could go anything else like s&y, abyssal or whatever and still win at that point too.

                                                                  I think people do not play ck cus if you get behind at all you can't farm your way back into the game like a hero like troll or sven or dusa might be able to. And unlike a hero like spectre, he needs more than one big item in my opinion to turn the tide. Spec can just get a 40 min radiance, ult and kill supports pretty much. CK is not picking up a 40 min heart and suddenly winning all the team fights.


                                                                    I wish he gets picked more often next TI. Hes just so underused, we havent seen enough potential yet.


                                                                      25 min heart against a trilane and you still think a pro with freefarm wont get it?


                                                                        skip the bfury and find a wisp player imo
                                                                        rather farm heroes than rice creeps

                                                                        Mortimer Smith

                                                                          Yeah, he got like 800-900 gpm and you 500, i'm not saying you are worse, just the hero is good roaming too.
                                                                          Insane dps on early stage, and imba tower destroyer when he get 4-5 items.

                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            "25 min heart against a trilane and you still think a pro with freefarm wont get it?"

                                                                            No, I'm saying I won't get it =p Pros can make whatever work.


                                                                              no mention of assault cuirass? also; bkb is important on ck...

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                Ac is overrated, illusions don't get the increased attack speed. It's a good 5th or 6th item but I would never rush it over like s&y, heart, satanic even. Bkb is situationally important, just like on most carrys.

                                                                                I need to retract my statement about ac, apparently illusions do get attack speed increasing auras but they don't get most other auras like vlads or vs dmg aura. Ac is pretty good then.

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                                                                                  I would rather go skadi over ac as last item unless facing a team of minus armor like slardar sf venge etc.


                                                                                    i would rather buy dagger/lothar and kill people