General Discussion

General DiscussionHow bad are normal skill MMR in game

How bad are normal skill MMR in game in General Discussion

    Well, I played a game last night MMR in Europe, cos I can hardly get a Ranked match here in SA. I played sand king support, while my team had good picks. we were loosing early on with almost 20-10, leading with their Lina (player only spams Lina, but still Normal Skill, (I know I am as well, but doing my best to get better).

    My point of this post is more of a rant. I like playing support role heros, and helping the team win, but in my MMR its so damn hard! Some guys can play decent at certain points of the game, eg late game the Chaos knight was good, but early he was feeding. The sniper wasn't effective early game since he didn't want to go the MoM build against a silencer. The AA was doing well with his ulti, though the Kunkka only started getting his items late in the game!

    any advice with what I should rather do when the team makes it tougher than the opposition? And im open to criticism, I try and put into practice whatever I learn from the advice I get here.

    btw, im playing since October last year, so getting better takes a lot of games, which I play a few a week :-)


      Stack more with sk because you can take jungle and get an early blink (your gpm was quite low.). Also just die less. just improve your map awareness can help a lot.

      "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

        increasing mmr when ur a support player really isnt worth your time. You are better off find 4 ppl who can play the game and raising ur party MMR. Solo MMR support is mmr suicide


          200 more axe games