General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on EZ mmr ++

Tips on EZ mmr ++ in General Discussion

    Someone told me to play lane pushers and just solo, I have issues with throwy teams, we do good, then they get too ballsy. It's sad so yeeeeeeee


      if u r aiming to climb mmr not by improving skill, abuse 1-3 core heroes that you are really good with. If u still do not have such heroes, I would recommend meepo, es and slark.


        I stack with 4ks and support, thats the issue, how does one who plays support to 3.5-4k get up from 2.5k ish


          if u r support of 3.5-4k lvl, u wont face much troubles playing carry role on 2.5, as far as I believe. If u just play supp there, ur winrate can be higher than 50%, but not much.U cant climb rly fast playing supps due to low game impact u got, particularly if u play in normal skill bracket.

          King of Low Prio

            by the looks of it your friends carry you in your 4k MM matches. You need to dial back your ego and accept that currently you are a 2k player then work on improving. If you improve MM comes easy


              Actually if u asked for opinions on your problem and not just tips, i would have said more or less the same as Sampson. Improving in terms of skill is more reasonable then just aiming getting higher mmr.


                Sampson, you act like supports should carry? I'm not playing a carry so surely it's the carrys job to carry while I support him?


                  you have 200 games and you expect to be 4k?
                  at your first 200 games you should be lucky to have 2600 bro....