implying it matters what items u buy to throne enemy team once all 5 of them already ded
Ya, there is still hope for Doto. Btw - nice dmg on Lina :)
Vaikiss, that dravic guy is a 3k player that abused meepo to get 5k. He is utter garbage, ignore him. His winrate in unranked (which is around 3.6-3.8kish, he has like 30% wirnate without his meepo)
well tbh if u master meepo or es u can play any other hero in game too because both of them have insane skillcap to be extremely good
but on the other hand if uspam same hero over and over u forget how other heroes even look like
He buys BoT and goes rat. He literally doesn't do anything else. I saw one of his games and he was so awful it was amazing. He even admitted he didn't deserve his 5k rating.
He even suggested not getting blink on meepo. I fucking lold.
Don't have to add anyone, just post screenshot of your main account's MMR.
heroes dont matter. Who plays them matters. If you have Spectre, but he is special needs then it doesnt matter
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so this game was super one sided at laning stage in our favour then super one sided to enemy side then it was shifting nonstop they raxes us we went to throne them and we got wiped after they bb then we bb and wiped them and so much more back and forth killing each other and eventually we managed to win while being 2 rax and shit tons of exp/gold behind
TL;Dr thats why u kids no scream "GG FINISH MID"