General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is up with this dota matchmaking.

What is up with this dota matchmaking. in General Discussion
Bread Winners Association

    So to put it off this way - I am extremely tired of getting into a game with teammates that don't really know their shit. My past 4 games today have literally been a one way street. I try to always go for a kill opportunity while the rest of my team just stays back and comes only when I'm half dead. If you look at my dotabuff you'll probably notice my last few games and the most succesful heroes if we can say it this way. You might also notice that on some of the heroes, the winrate seems pretty horrible. You might also say that ''before blaming others, you should look at Your own flaws'' but like 100% honest, whenever I actually try to do my best, I always lose. Invoker, anti or whatever, I will lose if I try my best. So what do you reckon I should do? This Whole matchmaking system is getting on my nerves. Anyone out there with the same situation?


      Everyone loses, just gotta learn to accept that and try to improve regardless. Maybe play in stacks if you don't like matchmaking


        Practice in a lobby with 4 medium bots on your team and 5 unfair bots on the enemy.

        You will learn to take objectives or the bots will end the game by 25 minutes.

        You farm decently, and get kills, but you need to get objectives to win.


          What, that's a horrible advice, u just roflstomp all the bots and end up 30/0 at minute 15-20. They're no better than sub4k players


            Yeah happened to me too, teams full of retards, I think is because friday and most people are free to play.. non regulars tend to play worse, obviously. Just got in a game where I did a lot as a jakiro.. normally my teammates don't play in a absolute retard play.


              Skill level: normal
              Smurf level: very high

              Fuck off.


                Tryhard... did you read what i said... set the bots on your team to Medium and the enemy to Unfair... try it.

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                  Bread Winners Association

                    Kitrak, just gonna say that in all those games, I was in a party. Matter of fact I was playing With a frind who just reached 3k. If you look furher back, you'll see games With Very High Skill. Just so you know. I Hate playing alone. That's why I play With friends. Even though they are lower mmr than me. It's fun besides the fact that a couple teammates can lose you the game.
                    On the bottom of the page you'll see some VeryHigh skill games. That's while I play solo.

                    MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                      why cant u just let the poor man pick what he wants T.t