General Discussion




    Giff me Wingman

      Really havoc?
      You fucking dumb shit.

      you are a actually saying, that your shitfuck slark with:
      40 games, 57.50% winrate and KDA of 3.61 (where you played 70% of your matches in 2-3k Bracket)
      Is better than Bogis:
      428 games, 56.31% winrate and KDA of 3.64 where probably 90%+ are in 4k+?????????

      Bogi is a low skilled jackass we all know that, but you are even fucking worse than bogi. How the fuck are you even remotely able to open your mouth. Lucky played with you and told me that you are the worst 4k player he has seen on this planet. When i spectated the replay i thought that a drunk 2k fgt was playing.

      Bogi is probably not only better at slark than you, but also in general. I remember when me and chris had to tell you that you should not max disruption on SD first and you were 4k or almsot 4k at that point. Srsly dude, fuck off. Bogi doesn't play support, but you don't either, you are playing the hidden 6th role, the leecher.


        Yeah, whatever, sure.

        I just came to say what I think, and for that, you're calling me 3k thrash?

        Why would you do that?

        I didn't want to insult you, i just have my opinion, that's all.


          Can you explain me why do you hate Havoc so much? xD

          Giff me Wingman

            i dislike him because he acts like he knows shit but doesn't. It doesn't matter in what regard (gaming or RL). He keeps spouting nonsense. He is basicially the ayesee of dotabuff. Some people like Ayesee because he talks much and can be entertaining, those people are usually lower end players. Then there are the people who know the game very well, and get really annoyed when ayesee says shit like 'Mirana first maxing leap totally legit'.

            I mean lets take my post for example. I pointed out why havocs argument is complete utter trash.

            also. the clear up the slark thing. What you did wrong to begin with was saying. 'You're not a 5.5k+ slark, you can't even be compared to matrice'. That coming from 3k. The issue here is, you tell bogi that he is not what he claims to be without pointing out why.

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              Okay, you're right.

              I just thing it's general game-sense that 6k player have much better then lower-ones.

              6k player would probably win the game through better game understanding or simply different desicions.

              That's just my opinin, btw.

              I'm not sayin' I know shit, but I can have my opinion..

              Anyway, thats it.

              Giff me Wingman

                exacly, bogi went afkfarm and doesn't understand why his team loses 4v5. Also he got very bad items given the situation. His slark was not 5.5k+, not even remotely.

                His HD was lower than tiny (who did horrible himself, but still better than bogi), almost no tower damage. And no impact.

                i had a slark game where i got rekt so hard game got hard. The enemy ember and meepo went beyond godlike. Bogi would have thrown and bitching, much like he is now, i looked at my options and turned the game around.

                But if you can't point out why bogi did poorly, then it's better not to say anything, because let's face it. Pointing out that a 6k player is better than him is not going to help him.


                  You're right.


                    I have 34% win rate with slark and I think im a better slark player :D


                      I'm pretty sure you are...

                      btw I think bogi has already insulted way too many members in this thread moderation pls banerino :D

                      We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                        Bogi doto best doto <3


                          Lol i got low prio from this game

                          Team reported me for not giving up

                          Love how you can literally just send other players to low prio for no reason
                          Carebear catering ftw

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                            A single game cannot get you low prio... I get reported all the time (it's the very nature of my level)... not once been in low prio.


                              The reports build up

                              It can take years to get into it, then once you're flagged for it your account is pretty much done. 2 reports will send you back to 16 low prio games.

                              Edit, lol feeding in low prio and I got this peruvian antimage who's gonna post my feeding on facebook

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                              NextStep ®


                                Yah. The reports build up.......and here you have a 2-mth account.

                                You must be really an asshole in-game for getting flagged so soon.
                                Justice has been served, i guess.


                                  Justice has totally been served bro

                                  bum farto

                                    Blunt has insecurity issues and always has, the smallest dog always backs the loudest.


                                      Shred you to bits Exactly I didn`t want to insult you as well my personal opinion is that you are 3k trash which is not even opinion is a fact.
                                      My personal opinion is also that you don`t know shit and talking non sense about things you have no idea. You don`t even know a difference betwen 6k players and 5k how can you know when you are not even 4k? How can you know you are like oh random facts 6ks have better decisions making ofc they are that doesn`t mean they will win every ultra hard game at 4600 mmr. You didn`t even watched replay so why you are shiting around and acting like you know something about this game with your 3300 mmr? Like oh yeahhhh hm Bogi 11-3 slark probably he was afk farming first 10 min. and didn`t looked map hmmmm matrice will have 80 cs 10 min. and already 15-0 cus he is 6k sure things ez wins.

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                                        And give me the links where 6k players won games with slark with puck in their team 36 min. no dagger and mid player 0.75 kda give me the example go add links instant so I can learn how to slark please give me god damn links right now 6k+ players in a ranked with 36 min no puck dagger and with mider 0.75 kda

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                                        Make love, not flame

                                          Just a quick note from this thread. Havoc summed up your problems pretty well.

                                          But this is the best thing I've read ITT: _B O G I_: "You talk shit how can you know why I m in low prio? " ----> That attitude, this is exactly why you are in low priority. Stop acting like you are superior, above everyone else.

                                          Giff me Wingman

                                            'The smallest dogs barks the loudest.'

                                            I think that really does describe you very well. All the shit you are writing, with no backup or anything, to make you even remotely look in a good position.

                                            Your patehthic atempt to tell that you are a better slark than bogi, your pathethic atempt to help lucky with a PC problem that i solved in less than 10 seconds, your pathethic attempt to justify lothars as an inititation item, your pathethic attempt to look good at anything.

                                            All you did was fail. I can imagine that you are a very insecure person since you do seem very upset when i point out why your argument is simply invalid and stupid. I'm sure people keep pointing out why you are wrong and why your arguments are invalid all the time, it probably does hurt your self esteem.

                                            I can only give you 1 good advice, grow up and start arguing with facts instead of brainfarts. It makes you look less of a fool.

                                            bum farto

                                              Low skill shitter still keeps talking like he has self worth. You have been lower rated and lower skilled than me forever, glad you finally moved 100 MMR ahead of me by spamming meepo. Good job 3k trash.

                                              Giff me Wingman


                                                BOYS HAVOC IS 5.9K FUCKING AMAZING.

                                                Whats wrong shittier player? Mad cuz i keep pointing out what a fucking loser you are? No more nice guy from the retarded dipshit who tries to get everyones attention?

                                                You are lucky to be even 4k with your skills, hell maybe you dropped down to 3k, who knows.

                                                bum farto

                                                  I am 4800-4900 as all of my friends and people on dotabuff know. I have never lied or made self glorifying posts about "I have a casual 6K account lying about".

                                                  You have been 3.5K where you turned off match sharing cause your ego was to hurt to accept the fact that you blow hard at the game. About 3 months ago you just barely tipped 5K and instantly, on comes the match sharing and back to the forums to talk about how amazing you are.

                                                  Be more mad cause I have consistently been a better player than you. I have always been the better player.

                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                    A little bird told me you are 4.6k.


                                                    Someone seems to be stalking me here. Are you really that obsessed with me? Did it break your little heart that you couldn't improve anymore by downloading my replays and learn how to not suck ass?

                                                    I'm so sorry little man. You have always been better at sucking, i'll give you that.

                                                    bum farto

                                                      Your little bird might be right or wrong depending on when they played with me.

                                                      ....stalking? HAHAHA

                                                      Every possible post you can you try and slam me in someway. Its like you feel so damn inferior that you have to reply to every post I reply. Wow, talk about delusional.

                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                        No, i simply tell you how it is.

                                                        And yes stalking. You scary little poopoo.

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                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                            lol kitrak :D

                                                            You are just mad because PPJ sucked ultra cock with slark, which caused you to lose against neo on his meepo.

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                                                              Still waiting for a link where 6k player won ranked game with playing slark and having in a team 36 min. puck no dagger and 0.75 kda mider

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                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                how about i send you a link with enemy beyond godlike ember + beyond godlike meepo?

                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                  #THUG LIFE

                                                                  Optimus Drip

                                                                    *2k player eats popcorn and laughs at op and mr great cornhulio*
                                                                    Both of you just resort to personal attacks lol. Go ahead . tell me how bad i am. I already knowz it . however even this shitty 2k player sees that you es wrong. and mr grat cornhulio...calm youself son.

                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                      I laugh at your inability to write my nickname properly.

                                                                      I am amazed how accurate your nickname is tho, you truly are 'that guy'.

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                                                                      Optimus Drip

                                                                        LOOOOVE YOU (in pscho from bl2)

                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                          You seem to have issues. Gl with em.

                                                                          Optimus Drip

                                                                            I can't. HELP ME SENSei.


                                                                              Again played 3 ranked games and 16 again I guess cus I randomed hero is ilegall 16 instant 1 random report gg


                                                                                bogi pls :horse:


                                                                                  Its unpossible to play ranked I guess, I can`t play when I can atually play 1 game per 3 day is hard to focus


                                                                                    start a smurf and/or abandon your current account for a while
                                                                                    unless your goal is to play more LP games than ranked


                                                                                      Will they even answer me in the e-mail? What the fuck is this instant bot answer?


                                                                                      Jesse Lee Peterson

                                                                                        Maybe change ur attitude dude. The attitude of 4-5k players is so horrible. All they do is blame the team. If they get ganked, someone didn't say miss. If they lose the lane it's becuase someone doesn't gank. If u lose a stupid fight it's because the carry farms on another lane. Admit own mistakes to get better. In 90% of the games u should argue what u could have done better and not what ur mates did wrong. If ur better then ur mmr, then u should be able to easily increase it.
                                                                                        And stop picking slack cancer hero.


                                                                                          make a smurf, purposely rank in low matches and play against weak people, kill, get commended and feel good about yourself :-)


                                                                                   I got smurf already but way to the ranked is really long I wanna play on main.

                                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                                              rofl 3 games, BOOM low prio again



                                                                                                Bogi will end up like them :

                                                                                                he will go on a carnage and join Islam


                                                                                                  Bogi look my last games. I abandoned with PA mid i was 0-2 in 5 min . and AFTER i fed with slark like 2-16 fed courriers and purposely suicided even if we had the win and got reported probably by 8 ppl i was also spamming my music in my mic and today i am not in low prio neither muted for some reason !! but dont be mad^^