General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you even enjoy Dota?

Do you even enjoy Dota? in General Discussion

    So I've played about 2500 games, learned way too much about dota.... but just curious on people's thoughts.

    Are there people on the fence about quitting or cutting game time down dramatically?

    For me it's not the game mechanics, or the game quality.... I am just really getting sick of the people that actually play dota. The community is just..... pathetic.

    From team mates calling eachother fa**ots, people raging at eachother, people blaming eachother, team mates not working together and playing solo farmville 2015... Or team mates that don't pay attention and seem oblivious to what's going on....

    And then the other flip coin, what ever happened to respect? Sometimes your team gets stomped, then someone on the other team says something like "ez bot" or "ez game" and proceeds to talk shit about how massively awesome their dota penis is and how tiny yours is.

    Not much sportsmanship in dota, very little respect for fellow human beings, and it's just.... sooo..... negative..... The game itself is fun, but it's like hanging out with assholes 24/7. Very very very rarely, do you have a fun game, where after said fun game you think to yourself "those guys were awesome!" Or "I really liked that guy!"

    I mean, case in point.... This is a thread about how the community is just so deplorable that I'm pretty much done interacting with it, and I bet at least 50% of the comments that will follow will be immature, rude, and just generally assholish in nature instead of having some semblance of healthy, intelligent, conversation with depth.

    Inc mind numbingly egocentric asshole troll comments!

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        High Skill


          he says he learned too much.

          Ahahahh wtf!!!

          I can tell you now, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HALF OF DOTA, heck not even 10%. You're just pathetic and refuse to acknowledge you're trash and it doesn't matter what your teammates do or how they play, it all comes down to what you can do and since you know shit you end up losing like shit.


            Russian letters man, is your penis actually that small? Judging from the way you evaluate people, you might be a contender for a worlds smallest record.

            Everyone loves Chibi

              The guy has a point, but if u would like all only that "good" and friendly stuff, where people love each other, then just go play LOL. People there are friendly, but most good Dota players will probably confirm you - League of lesbians is a game for small children with authism. After u played Dota, you cant go play LOL. Btw - a smart man once said - be the change u want to see in the world. Dont be a pathetic small man that just blames everyone else.


                lol this trolll . dont listen him .he apparently hates people and he play dota for pure masochism :/


                  I'm loving so much to play dota (when i play a hero i like !) that contrary to most, I'm still enjoying game like those:

                  Note that 2nd and 3rd are played in a row (was first or 2nd pick in all of them)

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                    People in Perfect World server are pretty nice. I remember US East and SEA having people with more vocal complaints, but not to the extent OP is describing. Maybe you are inciting too many flames? I generally experience very little flames, and I'm quite a vocal person to point out ally mistakes (politely).

                    MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                      "playing solo farmville 2015."

                      im pretty sure players at your level have no idea how to differentiate between farming split pushing and space creating farm so please.


                        i fucking hate it


                          There is a thin line between love and hate my friend :)


                            I know nothing about dota.

                            That's why I'm able to enjoy it.


                              @1234, that's actually the same emotion

                              Make love, not flame

                                OP, you are right.

                                If someone wants kind teammates, he needs to find a team. Though the community isn't such a cancer like DotA 1 Garena...LP, reports, MMR all helps.

                                Quick maffs

                                  Dota gets boring quickly for me, so i spend some time without playing at all.

                                  I think i only have fun when i play tinker.


                                    'So I've played about 2500 games, learned way too much about dota...'
                                    'learned way too much about dota'

                                    High Skill

                                    Nuff said.


                                      This guy clearly enjoys dota :


                                        Yes i do. Better than ever before.


                                          whO cArES Xd

                                          edit: find friends


                                            All these replies just confirms what I was trying to say. People sh**ting on other people, huge ego's, nothing really positive to say at all.

                                            and I *have* learned too much about dota, it's just a video game and I know entirely more than I should for something that I should just be doing for fun. I don't see how being condescending towards this account being mid 3k's has anything to do with it. Should I log out and repost with the account where I tryhard? I mostly play with friends on this one, when I'm at work with 150+ ping, or when I'm shit faced.

                                            But once again, who cares, this thread isn't about skill level, it's about how shi**y people are. Maybe it's just a generational thing, maybe it's cool to be disrespectful and rude to random strangers on the interwebs now. I'm just tired of it.

                                            Sure you get to have the occasional good game, with good team mates, but it feels like 20% of the time.... 40% are just mediocre, and 40% of the games are just pure cancer.

                                            *holds breath for constructive, meaningful, intelligent responses*

                                            *passes out and dies from asphyxiation*


                                              you know shit about dota. SZOTYi3 that is 5k has no fucking clue and you being 3k think you know enough?


                                                the community is cancer obvisuly, but a game can be impressive peaceful if you mute everyone ;), or you just play 5 stack

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  5 stack peaceful ?

                                                  Solo queue muting everyone is like a single player game, i can listen to music and relax playing, by far the best way of playing the game.

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    and benao, op means too much compared to you know ............ normal people, the ones who do not have the time to play the game everyday.

                                                    playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                                                      I've been burning out with dota ever since I got 3k...


                                                        if you don`t enjoy the fucking game , don`t play it ,masochist ..

                                                        Sugar Show

                                                          Dota is fun when you go derp and win.


                                                            You play with idiots every game. You think you're going to quit. Then you're given a game with cooperative teammates and it makes you stay because you think there's hope. Then the cycle continues

                                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                              Everytime I read your posts benao I wonder how many keyboards you bench.


                                                                Fking shit game full of virgins...


                                                                  Shitscrubs talking about skill level in doto lololol. Eziest game out doesnt even need no skill fking scrubs. People on this forum dont even know what a skillfull game is.


                                                                    how can u have 53% winrate and "normal skill" games at the same time?


                                                                      Comunity sucks but you can mute the comunity.


                                                                        ^on my first account i had 60% winrate and i was 2.4k i didnt even know courier has acceleration.


                                                                          I thougt i was pro i blamed dota mmr sistem but i didnt know a sheet about how to play, i couldn't press mlre than 3 buttons for objects. Aaaaand a 60% so the winrate means nothing.


                                                                            OP please, I've have 2.5k games on my account, and stil got a lot left to learn.

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              The only thing I hate about dota is it depletes all my free time so I can't finish other video games. I know that sounds fucking retarded since all video games are just entertainment and a way to waste free time but I have a lot of steam games and I feel a weird sense of accomplishment when I finish them, similar to finishing a good book. While dota is fun and addictive and a fine way to spend an afternoon it has no "end" like other finite games to give that same satisfaction.


                                                                                yes community sucks balls
                                                                                i stop playing ranked and just do RD/AR/SD pretty much
                                                                                way more fun



                                                                                  keep rightclicking with top heroes its so skillfull

                                                                                  U wot m8?

                                                                                    flaming and raging is the best part of dota....stop crying u 12 year old and go play xbox or something

                                                                                    U wot m8?

                                                                                      no wonder why you crying look at ur pathetic stats.... every one is flaming you for feeding in every game thats why you cry here noob

                                                                                      Friends with everyone <3

                                                                                        I believe that the scourge of the dota community is unwarranted arrogance. The fact most players believe everyone else to be worse than themselves always acting up "if you want to win let me mid" or when you die it's gg because YOU are the most important person and YOU are going to win this game. Or the popular misconception that support is the noob role(even tho it requires more skill to sup rather than carry) and ofc you are better than everyone so you won't play support.


                                                                                          i like the fun kind of flaming
                                                                                          but not whining on mic about your allies builds, cry about wards or whatever, and giving up 5 mins in

                                                                                          swift beaver

                                                                                            Fuzzyfoot... I understand you completetly.
                                                                                            But to those guys in this Forum stats and MMR are all that matters.

                                                                                            Most ppl here write: If you are below 6k MMR you are shit.
                                                                                            They are waiting for Posts like this to get the shitstorm rolling.

                                                                                            I hate it when guys trying to stall the game, so that they can stomp the enemy a little bit longer. No sportmanships. The only advice i can give you is completetly turn the Chat off - It's only annoying. If you are somewhat decent, you don't need the Chat at all.

                                                                                            And remember haters gonna hate.

                                                                                            Since when is complaining about the manners of the community crying?
                                                                                            He could be the worst gamer in the planet and it didn't give someone the right to flame him/his Family.
                                                                                            How bout giving tips, so that he can improve or something?

                                                                                            - Dunning-Kruger Effect -

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                                                                                              I started not to enjoy dota as much as i did before and when you said you know everything about dota. That is not true. neither do i but i get it. Its not enjoyeble anymore cuz of the community.

                                                                                              U wot m8?

                                                                                                @ ratpick.不必要

                                                                                                hey look another 1k mmr noob trying to defend his buddy


                                                                                                  no just no


                                                                                                    Try CS:GO there is more communication! :D