General Discussion

General DiscussionProbably worst game of my life, need help with leshrac

Probably worst game of my life, need help with leshrac in General Discussion

    I wanted to go all out push but early game got super fucked by lina venge sniper trilane and I just kept getting picked off when I tried to push a lane with edict.

    How to play leshrac/

    Tiny Airlines

      Okay first off, Leshrac is a BAAAAAAD choice against Sniper.

      You should have gone Bloodstone and turn your boots into Phase Boots, and/or built an Euls to help do your stun. Then an aghs scepter to help with your ult. I can understand you went for a supportive role here but Leshrac needs a few items to stay decent throughout the fight and Leshrac is pretty fragile.

      Trust me, I've played Leshrac and I can do him very well - you just need to play him more often and you'll get better with him. Leshrac isn't a hero like Sniper or Riki that take little or no skill to learn.

      Sup m8

        Shit dude thats harsh.


          Stop buying shadow blade as a defensive item.


            You got 2 kills...could be worse


              listen to 1.2k player, he plays very good leshrac.

              this heros quite good if u play him mid honestly

              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                I wanted mid coz i've played leshrac once mid with friends and i wrecked super easy

                however we had a case of mid or feed called by randomer ember :/

                milk that tastes like rea...

                  Nyx storm and ember, great pickoff potential so maybe should have just stuck and ganked rather than try push. Itemwise, ghost/blink/force?


                    holy shit 22 times man, id rather stay in base and get kicked out of the game than give the enemy such advantage.
                    go mid, get some shit like boots+bottle, you can gank really easy with a good rune, buy fast bloodstone, blademail, after that maybe bkb. lategame shiva/heart. you can also get euls to set up for a stun, but fast bloodstone for ulti is really good on him.
                    as for boots go with arcanes>bloodstone into phase, or just straight phase for more early dps rightclicks.
                    if game goes well you just press bkb,mb, ulti,edict,and run into enemies.
                    maybe also get a dagger.

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                      and btw if you already died like 10 times, getting a shadowblade won't stop the enemy from gettin a dust and killing you more.


                        what Picard said, also Euls is really good: all stats are relevant + ez stuns
                        edit: you don't have to play him as support, you can play exactly like DP and make the same items

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                          The shadow fiend looks like he might be a smurf

                          Dire Wolf

                            Idk man except that lesh isn't the greatest 5 spot cus he needs items. Play him when you have another ward bitch like CM.

                            Midi Prill

                              ^That's why he is good, can farm easier than any other support throughout the game. Even in early levels, you can farm waves with the stun, you can hit every creep if you aim it well. Then 1 hit the ranged creep. It's just like farming with DP q.


                                don't play lesh with normal skill teammates without a reliable stun.

                                The best your team had as impale which bad players always miss.

                                and if you can't trust your team to play well, don't max edict first. Max split earth and storm.

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                                Midi Prill

                                  lightning storm sucks


                                    Leshrac sucks ^