General Discussion

General Discussion@Matrice and other Slark players

@Matrice and other Slark players in General Discussion

    have you ever tried Urn? what were the results? what do you think of this item?

    never done it but sounds like a very good item if you plan to fight early. PT aquila urn gives you good mana regen and decent bulk.


      With his ult regen, rather other hero have it and get medallion. This is opinion.


        you know, you can use the charges in heroes other than yourself

        edit: correcting typo and yes, exactly zano

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          I guess he's talking about using charges offensively (or to heal someone else), while sustaining himself with both the very early mana regen and extra bulk.

          Edit: Damn sano, nobody expects answers to his threads so quickly, at least wait 5 minutes :(
          Edit2: ROFL! SO QUICK!

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          clown mentality

            I think if it were a choice between urn and medallion, I would go for medallion. The overall dps on the target is greater and you can purge the negative armour loss.


              I may be wrong, but I don't think medallion gives you more dps and utility than Urn in early fights. Medallion only increases your right click damage, and in early fights Slark won't have the freedom to hit heroes more than 2 times. Usually you will pounce, use DP, hit 2~3 times and run away. Urn is good because you can use it from far away to finish low hp enemies without risking your life. Also has the possibility to heal allies. IDK, maybe medallion is better, this is just theorycraft.

              clown mentality

                I think Medallion has better overall dps if ganking with team members, but if solo it's completely situational.

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                THICC BABY SHUM

                  I said that, just because I only see urn on heroes that need it, specter is the new hero that i saw.


                    I think Urn always work on early-mid game heroes (like Skywrath, Espirit), should work I think ?


                      Urn is honestly never a "Bad" situational pickup but you don't want to be the guy picking up the second urn on your team if you're the Slark. Consult your physician before use.

                      whiskey waters

                        aquila urn, in other words how to waste 2k+ gold for nothing


                          urn is being discussed, but if you think aquila is bad on slark then you have problems...

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            Never trust pokemola


                              i might start building medallion on slark tbh...


                                urn is good on every hero.

                                The issue only 1 or maybe 2 players on your team should get it, and it shouldn't be your carry.

                                aquila or medallion would serve slarks needs better, assuming you aren't facing a TA

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                                  no just no

                                  u already gt more than enuff burst early game from pounce and darkpact to kill majority of heroes

                                  and in midgame urn is crap unless u play somekind of utility slark where u heal others and buy supportive shit which u should never do


                                    what's your usual build vaikiss
                                    something like juice's build? pt drums SB? you dont like aquila?

                                    I usually go for PT wand aquila SB, I feel drums delays you too much, if you get a very early SB you can walk around the map solo killing the sups and squishy carries

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                                    Sup m8

                                      @rofl i always use that build too. Works well for me.


                                        i think the argument is that as slark you get lots of solo kills so you get lots of charges...


                                          depends on game but usualy threads into shadowblade/blink then skadi then some other luxury items

                                          Make love, not flame

                                            "The issue only 1 or maybe 2 players on your team should get it, and it shouldn't be your carry."
                                            @Concede why not on your carry if he can profit from it, getting kills, profiting from extra str and mana regen? There are situations when it is the best, especially quite often spectre.

                                            There is a reason why urn has the limit that makes it good to build only once or twice.


                                              900 gold on a hero that does a crap ton with a couple items in the mid game. would much rather rush a shadowblade seeing as you already get plenty of regen. the spectre urn was because spectre has no sustain


                                                i heard crimson guard pretty good on spectre and it gives more than enuff sustain


                                                  No need for urn, orb of venom poor mans shield better for early fights


                                                    Urn doesn't suit slark unless u have BS on opposite team. In that case urn may give u an escape from his vision providing u regen.


                                                      bottle does that 10 times better for cheaper cost


                                                        He has slot problems & u don't want to drop urn with lots of charges in mid-late game. Aquilla solves his all mana/hp/armor problems in early-mid game & costs a little more. I personally go Brown Boots-Aquilla-Midas-PT-Shadow Blade on him, with maxed Dark Pact for clearing jungle.