General Discussion

General DiscussionIs there really a difference between Ranked and Non-Ranked in terms o...

Is there really a difference between Ranked and Non-Ranked in terms of skill? I SAY NO in General Discussion

    "Hurr ranked players are better because they try harder than those who queue in pubs because they are just casual plebs"

    PEOPLE TRY THEIR HARDEST IN DOTA2. At least in High Skill, where you have to win a few games to get placed in the bracket.

    p.s. i will suck off anyone in the greater Vancouver area for Dotabuff plus

    EZ MID 9k mmr

      gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8


        I can post my last 10 party ranked which ranges from like +5 to -40

        90% of the time its a stack 500 lower, 5% of the time its a competitive team that cant find a scrim but all have shitty party mmr for some reason and 5% of the time its 5 nearly 6ks

        I dont really think its about your bracket though, my friends there tell me its a joke where teammates could be anywhere on a scale from banana to potato, ranked or unranked doesnt make a difference

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          from my exp people just play what they wanna play in normal mm as opposed to picking whatever is best for the situation, not really a skill difference, just a different attitude compared to ranked mm.

          but sometimes that doesn't happen in ranked and you get 3 melee cores and some shitty jungler :horse:

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            I have seen a lot of try-hards in normal when I'm not in a party.