General Discussion

General DiscussionHero Healing?

Hero Healing? in General Discussion

    Not sure how to search the forums so I figured I'd post this.

    Is hero healing bugged? It always seems considerably low for the mek carrier. I read somewhere that it hero healing doesn't count the active on the mek? Can anyone confirm or deny this?



      if the item says it regens health then it dsnt count, but idk for sure. before i played supports my highest hero healing was wraight king i think it was hes aura but idk.

      Pom Pom 🍕

        I've often bought mek, and it usually counts on the hero healing stat.

        Iunno what else would give me HH on a Silencer.


          bottle urn mek spells

          mek probably counts 1 person heal instead of everyone u heal or so

          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

            Hero Healing on a normal match page is from the Valve API. We know it to be somewhat unreliable. It doesn't count all types of healing such as Jugg's Healing Ward (last I've checked at least). It also has a fuzzy definition of healing vs health regen.


              Yeah, just looking at Pomi's game, it appears as though he used the active once. I doubt that to be true. I see it in a lot of my games.

              It just seems like Mek active doesn't count all the time, or just counts for one person as was said earlier, here's another example -

              I know we balled up this game and mek was used extensively so it's weird to me that Vipers healing was so low. Not criticizing dota buff at all, I know you only have what valve api gives you, it just interests me into what they are considering hero healing.


                Also my guess for healing ward would be because its regen and not healing? Not sure though.


                  dunno my mekans count or just the shadow wave