General Discussion

General Discussion[EU] RECRUITING 4-5.5K MMR #4 SUPPORT FOR A TEAM

[EU] RECRUITING 4-5.5K MMR #4 SUPPORT FOR A TEAM in General Discussion

    Hey people! FBSD (fire breathing space midgets) leader talking here. Here is our logo

    Recently we had some changes in roster because of some member inactivity/IRL reasons but the clan still gathers strong players (for example: our second. carry is worlds top 30s meepo) at mmr of ranges 4.5-5.3k mmr (not like that mmr matters). As of moment we are in dire need of support players, preferably position #4 (#5 might also work out). THIS IS IMPORTANT : we often are online at hour ranges 18-22 @utc +2 (typical free evening for working european) and team member should dedicate AT LEAST 3hrs/week for clan scrims in that 18-22hrs timeframe (or if whole clan is online, for example at saturday).

    Participants can add me on steam or leave posts here. Be sure to send 2-3 recent dotabuff game links of yourself supporting for comparison and your mmr. I will review and compare participants; mmr doesnt matter much in comparing participant replays but if two participants will deem equal in skill, then one with higher mmr will be chosen.

    Team goals would mainly be reaching 5k mmr and improving together as a team as of now. Thank you for your time!



      gl with that


        Im 1200 mmr because my team always sucks and enemy picks earth shaker and omni, GAMES ARE INPOSSIBLE TO WIN, but as 5 we can win. i carry mid. Add me my steam name is Zelda.

        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert


          dont be so rude about it; for clan i gathered ~100 participants; for 2nd. carry ~30. I feel that atleast 10-15 people will participate...


            in bump we trust

            only few participants applied so far; looks like supports are rare class :D


              You still know me? ;)

              Currently 4.5k





                  i googled myself and found you making a topic about me unfriending you after being asked to stop complaining repeatedly. And AFAIK you wanted to play midlane; not support role :/



                    you participating or not?


                      will leave this whole search open until i find some members to choose from because only few applied so far XD


                        im sorry to tell sad news: some clan members grew impatient (because lack of supports/active players) and left the clan themselves. Only one-two people left.

                        As for now; i don't know if i will continue to recruit members of simmiliar skill (~5k) or just try to get some active, but lower skilled people (~4k) to avoid situation like this again. Anyways, those who still wish to participate must bear in mind that clan might be small/incomplete for a while.