Troll looks much stronger after recent patch. Now he can reach 600 attack speed. And of course he always has Aegis, because Roshan dies too damn fast. Team with no stuns can't do anything to stop this DPS beast.
From the same match:
So if you really want to hear an opinion: yes, you did it bad.
P.S. Like... really?... Troll decides to waste his time and gank AM with no disables and he somehow succeeds! Normal skill DOTA at its best.
and like 30% of the game i was afk, i'm asking for that 2 situations, if i were playing all game i'm sure we won.
I can always find excuses for my fails too.
P.S. Dude... You were AFK 30% of the match and think it is ok?!
I care
Ok, i'm telling you the truth, the second kill was totally my fault, the third one my foult too, the 4th dead i was afk aswell as u can check it
^That means your team lost because their main carry was AFK. End of story. 4 reports to AM.
dude this is dota, get used to getting flamed dota is filled with flamers it will happen more and if u cant play cuz ur momy keeps checking on you dont search for game and pick carry.
There were discuss about Shadow Blade.
I guess, Shadow Blade is "ok" replacement for Blink.
Why not Slardar? Press Q, use Shadow Blade and you ready to start the fight.
well its fail for THIS slardar..... hes my doto studento and he is braindeaderino thats why
but i think he went shadowblade cuz it costs less he cant handle how fast blink is, also hes religion is against blink daggers. I cant join it, also blink cant be build into another item like shadowblade builds into butterfly
my last game i randomed legion commander and repicked into pudge after both teams picked, with enemy team picking a good combo
we still won cause i'm dendi
and you're just a normal skill scrub ahahahah
Shit players happen. Yesterday I had 4k MMR Invoker ganking at lvl 5 (without even rune). He was ganking offlane Dark Seer. I don't need to mention that opposite QoP got 17min orchid+scepter...Even in v.high bracket u will see retards, not only in Normal skill.
ask storm spirit why u won ur last game^
perhaps he was the mvp, but my presence in game as pudge causes my team to win more than 50% of the time
coincidence? i think not
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