if u watch the replay, this void was farming on jungle when we could have finished and i think our ancient was like 100 hp or less :P
@Melody what's envy void?
"So farmed that everyone envys him?" LOL
lolol no.
Brown boots+Shield (poormans if lane is rough) > (Hand of midas if lane goes very well, if not skip it.) Treads > Mask of madness >Maelstrom or bkb depending on if you're greedy or not. After you have bkb finish mjolnir. > Refresher >Aegis
Situational items > Full wand / Bottle / Bfly / Eblade / Mkb / diffy+manta edit:blink
- "envy void"
- gets bkb
- no blink dagger
joking aside isnt that just the standard void build anyway
no i mean isnt midas / mom / mael / bkb pretty standard on void? pretty sure envy didnt popularise those items
You're right there but refresher was standardized by envy, more or less what I was getting at
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