General Discussion

General Discussion4 games lost in a row after a good win streak?

4 games lost in a row after a good win streak? in General Discussion

    I've experienced the most disgusting things in dota 2. Seriously who on earth throws ranked games just for the fun of it? I truly don't understand this.... One game I play support, our carry doesn't know how to farm the end is tragic because we get demolished. The next loss an Ember spirit mid leaves suddenly and abandons another 25mmr lost. Why is my dota life so sad? Ik you've heard this complaint many times and you're sick of it but seriously do anything to make me feel better so i can return back to dota 2 :)

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      The funny thing is i mostly lose mmr on Sundays... WTF


        Sometimes your mate leaves, sometimes the enemy leaves, you cant do shit, focus on the things you control, focus on your game and you wont get stressed or annoyed too much, lately I dont care about the number much and just focus on my game, the only times I get pissed after a game is if I performanced poorly


          Yeah I totally agree with you. Thanks for commenting i'm sure it'll improve how i play :)


            Not sure if irony or legit appreciation of my comment


              Oh my gawd I quit dota. I win a game then always lose it, because of clueless players... This lina in our team steals pudges mid and says we cant trust pudge because he will feed? I really didnt understand and the next 5-10 mins he feeds the mid 5 kills for no reason... Look at my dota buff and the void game i just had.


                get used to it..


                  shit happens get over it


                    Try other heroes on unranked and get better at them. Solo ranked is a very frustrating process to go through so take a break before continuing again.