General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy i cant get supports when i try to play heroes like AM Morph TB Sv...

Why i cant get supports when i try to play heroes like AM Morph TB Sven... or some shit like thaat??? in General Discussion



      Dunno dude, too many greedy people. I've been having quite some success lately with team mates that let me safelane either solo or with support. Ez 8.5 LH/min on juggernaut :D


        Why don't you ask them. 90% of my matches when I play am or other hard carry I tell them to pick support and support me for 100% win and they pick my fav supprt Jakiro and is usually win


          not picking support and blaming other for not picking them, seems legit


            why do u have a team

            Banho dos Campeões

              mi mi mi mi

                Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                Jay Ashborne

                  lol blackmagic.


                  Vem Comigo

                    Look at your name, people dont want to play with you




                        Happens for me too


                          U can apply a concept of behaviour evolution on this.
                          As the number of good supports goes down the succes chance of this behavior will go up. which will lead to some people capitalizing and picking support again.
                          As most carry and mid played under 4k are complete idiots that dive and throw advantage at earliest opportunity, the behaviour style of supporting them goes down. so maybe u are in a shitbracket and the people in your games that refuse to pick support HAVE ACTUALLY palyed supprot before but felt like idiot carrys loose game for them without them making a single mistake all game. so u cant really be that mad at them when they dont trust u that THIS TIME it is going to be different and that THIS TIME their carry will not do retarded shit and loose game for them.
                          As MMR goes up trust into your teammates goes up. Some stuff that is done in 6k games could mechanically be done by 4k players, its just the trust is lacking. you cant bait the enemy mid to dive u cause no support will TP etc.

                          Vem Comigo

                            so maybe u are in a shitbracket and the people in your games that refuse to pick support HAVE ACTUALLY palyed supprot before but felt like idiot carrys loose game for them without them making a single mistake all game. so u cant really be that mad at them when they dont trust u that THIS TIME it is going to be different and that THIS TIME their carry will not do retarded shit and loose game for them.


                              I wish I had your problems... I can't find cores when I play support. Everyone wants to play support.


                                around 70% of 4ks are straight awful



                                  I'm sure you can find players who self define themselves as cores but I guess your search is for actual cores :D.

                                  @Antimage picker

                                  Nice ironic name by the way. In any case, when you think about 'why don't I have a support' turn the question around. 'Why don't I want to play support'. You will come up with a very good answer most likely which for most people is 'I don't trust randoms to carry'. The problem is support is entirely necessary yet completely undesirable to play because it's putting blind faith in something you don't know about. Only a fool invests into something blindly but that's exactly what playing support is like for most people. Even if you do partly know your carry/mid it's still not ideal.

                                  4 cores is so standard now that I've quit in consequence, can't stand solo supporting all these greedy people who want to play an RPG instead of dota 2 while at the same time I can't entirely blame them for wanting to play that way because the game's positive feedback reinforces it. Is there a big 'mega ward' announcement when your ward spots 5 players within a short period that your team could otherwise not see or something? No.

                                  It doesn't help that I find more players are taking supports forgranted and assuming they HAVE to be there and be ready to serve them wards, detection and a back massage like a butler on command. All the while they aren't holding up their end of the bargain with good farming/item buying etc. and instead just bitch "We need Wards" while they are out of stock because the support is so overworked and so poor they can't place them meaningfully without getting blown up or in doing so he's not there for something else 'master' needs. "We need Wards?" No no no... "We need competent carries"

                                  Still that said, the problem is 80% game reinforcement and design basically giving very little reason to play support other then people who enjoy being butlers and 20% people not magically transforming into tolerant people. The worst part is Valve is doing nothing about it and it doesn't look like they ever will 'because most people play cores'. Take quests, some of those are outright impossible and/or completely ridiculous to attempt on a position 6 support but on core you can do each and every single one.

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                                  Player 215168758

                                    Why does kitrak's comment got deleted?


                                      Just realized this is a super old thread. Ironically it's still relevant.