General Discussion

General DiscussionPlayer ranking decreasing despite MMR increasing and winning consiste...

Player ranking decreasing despite MMR increasing and winning consistently in General Discussion

    My best hero has been Bloodseeker for quite some time now, and I think I'm still improving. My winrate and KDA ratio is consistently going up, and I've been playing him in ranked to increase my MMR; my solo ranking has gone from 2600 to 3100 (my party ranking is stagnant but whatever). Yet my percentile, hero score and division have been steadily dropping. Not just on Bloodseeker, but on all of my heroes, whether I'm good with them or not, improving or not. I began with all of my heroes in Silver 7 or 8, and I'm now in Silver 1 or 2 with all my heroes. How is this possible if my MMR is increasing, along with my winrate and average KDA? Shouldn't I be playing with and against better players as I increase my MMR, thereby improving my player ranking?


      sup wave


        you have been playing some unranked games, this affects your division