General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes winrate generally increase with games played?

Does winrate generally increase with games played? in General Discussion
Sup m8

    Just wondering because I want to look to the future and be happy.


      winrate goes up as you improve.


        If you play better = increase winrate. If you play worse = decrease in winrate. If the same = the same.


          Winrate decreases I think...
          Ussualy good players have like 60% untill they come back into their brackets, then they slowly drop to like 52-53%...
          I'm not sure, depends on the player himself.

          Stackers can have 100% winrate.

          Its very hard to increase your winrate. I'm sitting on 52% my whole life...


            it converges to 50% :)



              Just look at the people with tons of matches. Most of them are 49%-51%


                c9.dd bitch pls

                road to 4kmmr

                  it does not increase, because whatever mmr you are in, you will still be playing opponents with the same mmr as you. So even if you improve from 2k-5k, the level of your opponent will still be the same as you.

                  Sup m8

                    I guess I can go cry myself to sleep. 51.39% winrate ;(
                    Edit: FOREVER

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                    Dire Wolf

                      yeah it's not going to go up a ton more. Though you can pick certain heroes to maybe get it higher. Your troll is at 70% over 30+ games, why not spam him instead of your top played tinker sitting at only 53%?


                        winrate will go to around 48-53% for most players if they play long enough.

                        The best players consistently keep their winrates higher in solo queue. Party ranked or solo doesn't count.

                        Win rate is really meaningless without context. MMR is what you should be looking at.

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                          winrate means nothing at all.

                          if you are REALLY REALLY (>6k) good and the matchmaking system can't place you in fair fights then you will have >50%.
                          if you are REALLY REALLY (<2k) bad then the matchmaking system can't place you in fair fights and you will have <50%.

                          but this is the only time it's the user's fault for their winrate%.

                          Any other time is due to the system's inaccuracies. other than outliers everyone should theoretically be exactly 50%. in reality there is some room for error. caused by many things. if you aren't >6k or <2k your wr% means absolutely nothing.

                          you can also abuse sandboxing/stacks/smurfs to get high wr% but that's just abuse. i don't understand how ppl get 1000 games and 90% but they aren't #1 global. i feel like they must be abusing sandboxie or something.

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                            if you only stack, and can be facing the top stack consistently you should hit around 60% win rate

                            i was flat 50% for my first 2000 games or so

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                              zenoth is right. If you have a good stack, you can definitely increase ur winrate. Half a year ago I got only 54% but since I started stacking, the winrate was going up and it reached its peak 59.xx% last month. I haven't been doing well lately but it's still at 57.80% right now.

                              whiskey waters

                                if you only stack u shoud be around 95-100%..


                                  I thought win rate is all about winning games the more games you win it increases that's what's happening to me it has nothing to do with stacks or improvement...


                                    wow chains/whatever you call yourself now great logic

                                    except the part where 5 stacks only meet 5 stacks

                                    oh wait half of the stacks you meet are competitive/semi-competitive players?

                                    hmm everyone should be 95-100%


                                    win rate tracks improvement over average performance regardless of stacking, until you reach the top/bottom of the charts, where it starts to get fuzzy

                                    for example if your stack average mmr is 4k there are plenty of 4k stacks to meet, so the winrate should be steady around 50%. the only way the winrate goes up is if you improve past your current rating level.

                                    however if your stack average mmr is say 5.5k then chances are you're the highest stack in the queue, and after 5-10 minutes if no other stack of a similar rating queues at the same time you will be matched with the next highest stack, perhaps 4.7k average rating or something

                                    hence high winrates if you are consistently in the top stack (usually require at least 2-3 people above 5k)

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                                    Jay Ashborne

                                      Lol marlan disagreeing with everyone on dotabuff because hes 48% confirmed.

                                      PINGU NIDEPIGU

                                        Jay are you playing dota again?!

                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                          This account had 49% win rate when it was given to me, now closing on 55%. Will reach 60%, I hope.
                                          btw, I don't stack.

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                                            'you can also abuse sandboxing/stacks/smurfs to get high wr% but that's just abuse. i don't understand how ppl get 1000 games and 90% but they aren't #1 global. i feel like they must be abusing sandboxie or something.'

                                            lol are you serious


                                              Mine has improved alot the more games i played.
                                              Although its a different story on my alt.

                                              Jay Ashborne

                                                Satie, that kid is handicapped. I would just ignore him. He's mad bcuz he's 48% hence why winrate doesnt matter.



                                                  Marlan rly has issues w/e

                                                  playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                                                    If the MMR system can place you in the correct bracket, it should put you to around 50% eventually.


                                                      Winrate depends a lot by skill-bracket.

                                                      As for you, I asume you got around 3-3.2k at top.

                                                      So having high-winrate good KDA and nice stats is a lot easier for you then for high-skill players since games are easier.

                                                      When you start to improve, your winrate will start to drop.

                                                      Having 60% winrate in 2k bracket means you're just better then most of the players there.

                                                      BUT, it doesnt make you 4k player, for example.

                                                      You can be little-above-average for an 2k player, but in order to get better, you don't only have to maintain your raiting.

                                                      You could win 10 games, then you could lose 10 games. You'll have the same winrate but you won't improve.

                                                      Having lower winrate on higher skill bracket is a lot better then higher winrate on normal skill bracket, for example.

                                                      Ofc, having low winrate and low skill bracket is another story.

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