General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you get out of 2.1k mmr even if you have bad teammates

How do you get out of 2.1k mmr even if you have bad teammates in General Discussion

    So I have been getting a little frustrated with ranked, I am in 2.1k mmr and I am trying to get to 2.3k - 2.5k. I have no idea what to do. I can play carry/support/mid reasonably well but I am better at carry and mid, though in 2k there is always that guy who insta picks a mid hero so I cannot have mid. Then the others all pick carries so I have to go support because carries fighting over farm goes really badly. Also what recently happened was I played Omniknight, and there was a void he told us it was his 1st time playing void, (yep...) I had no choice but to support him. His last hitting was terrible so he missed a bunch of last hits. Also he was just so useless. He did a chrono the time walked inside of the chrono (omg...) This is just disgusting people are trying new heroes in ranked picking carries all the time insta locking mid. What can I do? I play in Australia servers

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        if you can't get yourself out of there, you belong there. play mid snowball heroes gank, win etc.


          understand the game and execute, nothing else needed to get out of there


            i like how people use REASONABLY WELL, ALWAYYYYYYS


              How can Iplay mid heroes if there is someone always insta locking mid? how will I win if there are people whomcant play properly or try new heroes in ranked?

              THICC BABY SHUM

                pick ursa kill do lvl 5 rosh kill more kill more ppl and enemy start leaving ezy game

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  mid heroes dont simply win games hate how so many ppl say it, the strongest hero with lots of farm and good team wins game. every single spell counts, pick carrys and learn how to farm.

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    mid heroes make big impact but it could not matter if enemy trilane is doing everything right and carry gets lots of kills and farm that he becomes unstoppable.

                    SWAG DRAGON

                      man there's a million threads on this.
                      well just counter pick, always pick last and make ur pick a powerful will give you a rough idea if you dont already have one..

                      Watch your replays, criticize yourself compare it to good/high mmr streamers, never play're at bot lane, tops feeding, fkn time a well timed TP and kill shit.

                      don't play heroes you suck at in ranked or pick them "cause you feel like playing him/her" you'll lose

                      dunno read previous threads on it...heaps of tips n shit from much higher ranked players than me


                        dont sleep, dont eat, dont exercise, just practice meepo until ur last breath. play meepo in any lane. be a 1-man team, own every game until you reach 4k, or better, 5k

                        or........... ask dendi to play ur account


                          If you make a big enough impact on the role you are laying, you'll probably win the game no matter what (even as a support).

                          You have to pick the right heroes. There are heroes that will just make your team lose in your mmr like wisp or even chen or something. Try and pick team independent heroes, I think those are the key to getting out of your skill level.

                          Also, as others have said, always criticize yourself and not others. Focus on your own mistakes. Look at Aui_2000's replays for tips on how to analyze your own replays. You won't see everything, but you'll at least be able to get rid of the most blatant ones.


                            Lock mid with some snowballer if you really don't belong to that range.

                            If there's someone always instalocking mid, go safelane and pick something gay like Void and snowball.

                            If both places are occupied, pick something gay like Ogre Magi and gank the midlane non-stop to force your mid instalocker to snowball. Then do the same with your safe lane.

                            Or you can actually improve at mechanics, map awareness, item decision and match analysis. Your choice.

                            The Fault

                              Pick spectre and win the game. One of my fris was 2.5k and now he's around 3.5k by playing spectre only in solo ranked match.

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                              playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                                There's a billion resources on how to get good. Use them.
                                edit: Only if you yourself are bad, can you get matched with bad teammates. If you are better than everyone at your tier, then you have have a 20% chance less to get worse teammates. Thus you should rise.

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                                Mind Goblin

                                  Dont take your losses to personal. Sure some games seem like they are against you but relax take a break and come back to it.

                                  Honestly in the lower MMR games dont worry to much about hero roles, worry more about what hero you can pick and laneing mechanics.

                                  Practice more, I find after a few bot matches on unfair warm me up for real games when I get in a loosing streak. (although I wish I could have 50 - 0 games for real lol)

                                  One last thing. Lots of people have differing opinions on 'DOTA' how to lane, how to pick, how to farm, how to win. So take all the advise you get with a grain of salt and learn from your victories and defeats, practice and remember to relax.

                                  And if all else fails pick an RNG hero and pray lol


                                    once u get radiance on naga its one of the most 1v5 heroes in the game

                                    Meepo Lord

                                      Create new account.
                                      Snowball first 10 games.
                                      Pick zeus at calibration and ks ks ks.


                                        You need to pick the right mid hero. Not someone that falls off like Puck and QoP, but someone that lanes well and and scales well such as Ember and TA.

                                        My advice to anyone trying to climb is to learn Ember and TA (maybe add Storm/Invoker), claim mid at beginning of chat but pick slowly, buy courier if you need to, dominate lane (as TA/Storm against non Viper/Razor/OD) or survive lane well (as Ember/Invoker against most people) and you should win most times providing you know how to play the hero. Make sure you don't get counterpicked.

                                        Meh, that probably works for 3k. At 2k just spam Viper nothing can go wrong


                                          you can instalock mid too, you know?
                                          also you can instalock carry.
                                          if you don't want to be an asshole, just say you go offlane and pick some shit hero like weaver or centaur or tide if you think yourteam will cooperate.

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                                              ^he means play tuskar.

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                                                Meepo Lord

                                                  U should attain full spectrum dominance
                                                  "Full-spectrum dominance is a military entity's achievement of control over all dimensions of the battlespace, effectively possessing an overwhelming diversity of resources in such areas as gpm, xpm, kda, hero damage, tower damage, runes, rohan)

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                                                  Meepo Lord

                                                    I dont think snowballer is a role as u can sometimes see usual snowballing heroes like slark being a salad of others.
                                                    And i think any core heroes can snowball but most of the time they are slark, ta, meepo, ember,jugg where once on a very great advantage they can just roam arround and kill anyone.

                                                    Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                      I don't know, I just pick Phoenix and the 2.2k games are so piss easy, it's a riddle to me how one can lose them. The guys there don't even have basic skills, they simply auto attack creeps.


                                                        use my name, problem solved
                                                        also, you might wanna try pa instead of void for safe lane. works better with less farm at that lvl. just hit creeps for 4-5 NON CRIT hits, and then when you blink on enemy hero you should crit for sure. ez 2 hits kills


                                                          I had never played Moba before so when I calibrated first time I was really low (around 1700). I used to have the same prob at 2K/2K1, then 2K5 and now I'm 2K8 but I think I should keep climbing to 3K+

                                                          My advice is to learn 5 heroes (i mean learn very well) who don't rely too much on teamplay, gently ask for mid but don't fight for it ...
                                                          Pick last because you ll choose from your 5 heroes the one who fit better to the team. If you want to play carry and you know mid is taken, show which carry you may pick and ask for hard lane ! Because no one want to go there and usually this is where your game is lost at 2K ... So if you think you're descent and deserve to go higher then take it and don't feed.
                                                          Anyway since you have to last pick, ~33% of the time you'll end up playing support since everyone will pick carry or ganker ...

                                                          Here is an exemple of 5 heroes and where you may play them

                                                          - Axe (hard lane) : it's a really "hard to kill" hero who have very strong start. So even if you solo lane, you'll still get last hit and even may still win your lane. You have to play it as a ganker but even if you get late with failing gank you can catch up lvl pretty fast with jungle. In the end game this hero has strong teamplay impact but low solo impact if you can't snowball hard, you'll need your team to win and that's a prob at 2K ...

                                                          - Slark (Mid or hard lane) : Don't go hard lane without a support or if you'll team with another carry ... Slark is weak until lvl 6 and need money and some kills to snowball hard. Good part is you're hard to kill and change the game by your own from lvl 6 to the end ... even if your teammates play poorly.

                                                          - Void (safe lane) : I didn't like to play hard carry at 2K because it's so frustrating ... many games will be settled fast and you'll feel you have no impact ! You may even get frustrated with your team blaming you.

                                                          - Lion : it's a "all in one" support with early impact, good lane control and secure kill with finger death. Unfortunatly at 2K it may become frustating while you keep warding, buying support stuff and still have 50% of your team kills ! usually the game is over ...
                                                          I used to pick it often at 2K when I had to play support but it was a mistake ... It's a hero to pick when you think your team has early game impact and need to snowball. If your team is aggressive, Lion is a must have but if you have a hard carry and a jungler ...

                                                          - Omniknight : never played it at 2K, sometime he may lack of lane control or be too slow to have an impact. Anyway if team in front has stong end game, then Omni is a must have because you should have time to farm too and this hero change a game by his own ... you'll end up with crappy stats (since you're here to stick and heal) but you'll be the main reason your team won.

                                                          Last advice, whatever you're doing there are games that can't be win ... so don't get too frustated and keep a positive attitude ! When you can't be positive anymore and feel you also play like crap then you should stop playing mmr ! (do something else or practice new heroes in normal) As long as you're winning ratio is positive then you'll keep climbing MMR.
                                                          Also you have to learn (WELL) more heroes each 200/300 mmr ... because there are heroes who may have same profile than Axe, Slark, ... but with better counters (and Slark is an easy countered hero ...)

                                                          whiskey waters

                                                            i can boost u to 5k for some payment, add me if interested.



                                                              I'm in the exact same situation. I agree with people saying that we deserve our MMR and if we were better we would have a higher MMR. BUT, I also feel that although in some cases I am better than the rest of my team, I'm still not that much better so I could win the game by myself.
                                                              So what could we do when the rest of the team picks Carry or farm dependent heroes, and then go 2-1-2 and if you try anything else you are a noob? Also camp stacking or pulling are non existent and if I try it when I play support, well.., I'm a noob for leaving the carry alone to die.
                                                              Some things I have seen working are:
                                                              - think that the enemy team is in the same MMR and usually in the same situation. Try to find the weakest one and kill that one over and over. This will give you farm and also start an internal argument in the enemy team since one or more are feeding.
                                                              - stay safe. Surviving a fight is more important than getting a kill. I sometimes tend to forget this and I find myself chasing a support that is trying to escape whit 5 HP and end up dying myself without even getting the kill.
                                                              - some of the pro advice does not work in the low MMR. An example is PA. She is usually easy to counter with an MKB, Blademail but I've countless time and even won games that I shouldn't be wining with PA just because people tend to follow a patter in their builds and not think of the situation. And I admit I do it many times myself. (Check out this PA come-back
                                                              - if you want we can play together and see how well we are doing. Add me if you want ( . As I told you I'm roughly the same mmr as you.

                                                              Good luck!

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                                                                1) buy lint roller.
                                                                2) pick meepo.
                                                                3) roll lint roller over keyboard
                                                                4) literally get to 3k

                                                                Ralph the one true Quibolord

                                                                  I got to 4.8 just spamming jug. Spin farm spin kill farm td spin win


                                                                    Thanks for the responses, I play quite a lot of TA before but now I will get back into playing TA and thanks for understanding my situation, and i agree with playing hard carries, the game will be settled too quickly. But I have a question for ember: I get deso>Daedalus>Battlefury>Daedalus but that build seems to fall off latE. Am I better off getting 2 battle furies?


                                                                      play with me... i play in aus server aswell.... lets own some nabs

                                                                      whiskey waters

                                                                        if anyone wanna get mmr boosted answer on this topic


                                                                          you should get battlefury first with ember and maybe not deso, because the cleave doesn't proc deso if the cleaved target wasn't hit first. so deso won't get its full damage, and you don't have innate armor reducing skill like TA or weaver. therefore I recommend

                                                                          bottle, phase, drums, battlefury , daedalus, battlefury/daedalus, battlefury/daedalus, divine/BoT

                                                                          Tokyo Lift

                                                                            At 2.1k, you might lose some games because of your allies, but you should easily be the difference in most games. Role does not matter THAT much, just don't pick heroes that are completely reliant on an ally like Omni/Wisp. Other supports like SWM, Jakiro and Ogre are really strong. Best role for raising MMR I would say is offlane. Easy to get in most games (while others fight over mid/safe), prevents a potential ally from feeding their carry and you get a shot at shutting down one of their cores.

                                                                            edit: looking at your games, you are right where you belong. You can't play any role effectively, coming in here and saying that you can do this and that is just not true. Its like a player from an under 9s team walking into the sunday league team and saying that he can kick a ball. No you can't, it might seem that way because you are "decent" compared to other under 9 players, but you are fucking awful compared to any decent player. Not saying that you need to be 7k to make such statements, but even a 3.5-4k support player would stomp you at mid and be a much better carry than you.

                                                                            If you want to improve, first thing is to understand that you are fucking garbage and have little to no real understanding of the game. There is a difference between knowing what a hero or item does, and how to benefit from that information. Look at your games, be critical. Watch high level players stream and see what they do, what are they doing that you aren't?

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                                                                            whiskey waters

                                                                              rude :o


                                                                                @mTokyo Lift First of all, I can't play any role effectively? Look at my TA games I mostly won mid and snowballed. Look at my void games I had good farm and I don't die too much, and if I couldn't play any role efficiently the how do I have a over 50% winrate with TA, Void, PA, Omniknight, Phantom Lancer, Storm Spirit, Sand King, Tiny, Slark, Axe. sp I can play Mid, Carry, Tank, Ganker, Support, Initiator I can play them effectively if I can keep a over 50% winrate and have a good K/D/A with them as well. Telling me to understand I am garbage doesn't help at all. Though I am garbage at Terrorblade and Pugna.
                                                                                edit: I got back into playing TA again and I managed win a match I'll continue to play TA in ranked to raise mmr. Thanks

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                                                                                  pick potato , be potato , defeat potatos


                                                                                    Unfortunatly you rarely get good advices from high MMR players ... to them everyone below 4K or 5K is crap.
                                                                                    From what I see you already have lvl to keep climbing MMR slowly and keep improving in the process.

                                                                                    But Tokyo said one real thing, you're not good enough to win many games by your own, that mean you'll have no shortcut to go 3K+ MMR ... If you have a ~3K+ MMR lvl (mean a 50% win rate at this lvl) then you'll loose many games at 2K because even if you're often the best player, that's still not enough when your team do real bad.
                                                                                    Good %win rate mean only one thing, you've calibrated low and you're improving, that's a good thing but it doesn't mean you play well some class.

                                                                                    He also said to pick hard lane, that's a good advice because many games are lost with hard lane feeders. If you're really good you'll still find a way to snowball, if not you should avoid early feed and that's good enough ! If you feed then you have no excuse ...


                                                                                      @another one bites the dust

                                                                                      i want boost pls can u


                                                                                        Fanofenvy is right if you learn naga you can carry your team pretty damn well. thats how i got like from 1.3k to 2.7k. LOL

                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          Try troll warlord. He is super easy to farm with. One of the biggest issues I see 3k players having is not farming well because they pick heroes like void, pa and spectre who are not actually that easy to farm with if you don't last hit well in lane. Or they go sniper and drow and don't get any farming items. Troll in melee form gets extra 15 dmg so last hitting is easy and then if you level whirling axes you can wave clear so easily and he jungles super easy as well. He's a little weird to play at first cus he can switch between ranged and melee but once you get good at it he's strong and if your team sucks and keeps feeding you can rat with him.

                                                                                          Tokyo Lift

                                                                                            @OP, I stand by what I said.

                                                                                            >Look at my TA games I mostly won mid and snowballed. Look at my void games I had good farm and I don't die too much, and if I couldn't play any role efficiently the how do I have a over 50% winrate with TA, Void, PA, Omniknight, Phantom Lancer, Storm Spirit, Sand King, Tiny, Slark, Axe.

                                                                                            Because you are playing against fucking potatoes you stupid fuck. Do you not understand how low skill 2.1k is? This is the bracket where nobody has any idea what they are doing. They can't lane for shit, they have no idea how to farm or move around the map. Mechanical skills are all out the window too. Being able to beat these kinds of mediocre players does not make you a good player. Being able to perform moderately well in a game with somewhat competent players is when you can say something like that. If you were in a 4k game, do you think your TA would do well? You average fucking 448 GPM on him lmfao, and not even 500 for void either. You only have a 3.6 KDA with him too....I mean if you had these kind of stats (along with +100 GPM) at something like 4-5k games, then ok sure, but you are playing against mediocre players.

                                                                                            >Telling me to understand I am garbage doesn't help at all. Though I am garbage at Terrorblade and Pugna.

                                                                                            You are garbage at every hero, and its highly unlikely that there is anything that you can do properly if you are still at 2.1k. Even 3k players who are still garbage, will wipe the floor with you. If you want to get better, the first thing to do is to accept that you are shit, and then start learning. If you think that you are decent, then where is the motivation to start being critical of your own game? I'll be totally honest, if you think that you are decent at 2.1k, then you should just uninstall because you are wasting your time. The kinds of players that have thousands of hours sucked into this game and still suck shit are those with your mentality. The hey I'm actually pretty decent, yeah I did alright, its my allies that are the problem!

                                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                                              Don't play a ton of roles, focus on farming with a couple easy heroes. TA is actually quite difficult, you need really good timing of refraction use and stealth and positioning for psi blades. If you want to do an easy mid do viper or sniper. You probably won't get ganked in your bracket so sniper should be an easy mid. Otherwise just go fucking safelane or jungle every game. Those teams are so bad you will get 15-20 mins of farm time and if you're a good farmer you should be way ahead. Farming is the thing that the low brakcets are worst at yet it's one of the easiest things to learn in your bracket where there probably won't be a ton of ganking and pressure in the woods. You're basically just memorizing farm patterns and builds.


                                                                                                @Tokyo Lift can I have your steam username, I want to add you? I wanna learn from you even just for 3 minutes. I'm beginning to look at my replays and change my mistakes I will try to change my mentality and I will except that I suck because 2k mmr bracket is beyond crap

                                                                                                I think I added you?

                                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                  "Thanks for the responses, I play quite a lot of TA before but now I will get back into playing TA and thanks for understanding my situation, and i agree with playing hard carries, the game will be settled too quickly. But I have a question for ember: I get deso>Daedalus>Battlefury>Daedalus but that build seems to fall off latE. Am I better off getting 2 battle furies?"

                                                                                                  i believe you either go deso as first core or fury as 1st core, they have different purposes



                                                                                                    Fuck is wrong with you retard. I'm 2.x mmr and I think they know what they are doing at least they know what they are doing for me to win. Oh another fucked up bogan I see. Instead of writing 2k you should write 1k . Retard.

                                                                                                    Tokyo Lift

                                                                                                      @OP, you can do that if you want. But really you should only need coaching or something like that when it comes to fine tuning your game. For now there are plenty of tutorials or streams that you could watch that would make you a much better player pretty quickly.

                                                                                                      @kael, ask anyone else here what they think of 2.1k players. The only reason that you think that they can play is because you are around the same level, so you don't really understand just how big the difference is between 2.1k and 4k/5k or whatever.

                                                                                                      I also think its adorable that you are 2k and calling people bogans, I guess you don't have much else to go with when you are that fucking awful at the game.

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                                                                                                        I'm not even Australian so to be a bogan I'm not even close. Fking arrogant bogan is trash talking what a shit cnt. Drink your shitty vb and watch footy white scum

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