General Discussion

General DiscussionAny good Windrunner players ?

Any good Windrunner players ? in General Discussion

    I would like to improve as Wind. I go phase-maelstorm-scepter-blink-daedalus/mkb in most games. Build - W-E-W-Q-W-R-W-Q-Q-Q-R-E-E-E-E. I think I could learn something new about her. Top dotabuff players doesn't convice me (they don't play her much). I play her exclusivly on mid.


      I'm not a Windrunner player, but things you should think of:

      Using 3rd skill to cut trees in order to efficiency move around map, wether it's for farming or surprise ganks.

      Maxing E over Q can also be a good in in certain situations.
      Let's say you face a mid that only rightclicks. Slark? Q is easily purged of, but with maxed/high leveled E, you can actually dive real hard, or play way more aggressive cause you can tank those messy tower shots.

      You should also think about getting BKB more often. I see you've got it some times, but you should probably got it even more.
      Now, people in normal skill bracket sucks about executing their spells, but if you have:

      Phase, Maelstrom, BKB by ~20minutes +/-, you can usually rape. They will just run at you like creeps anyway.

      Now I'm not saying this is good for everygame, or even 50% of the games. I personally hates building BKB, cause of it inefficiency (farm wise, X*death) and: BORING ITEM YO they said


        i hate wr players, i hope you lose every game and get 16 lp games often


          Try with blink build, so you can position well for schakle.
          Phase-basilius-blink( sometimes go for blink and force if you need more mobility)-mealstorm-aghs-dmg(mkb, crit)-bkb-satanic.
          meracle aka best wind in the world is going with this build and raping almost evry game.

          Abang Rey

            firstly, i play wr once in awhile pretty effective

            secondly, wr does not use the solo farm effectively. So she makes a poor mid.

            thirdly, if the enemies are good, you cant shackleshot anyone at mid


              I don't have problems winning as her....My KDA is horrible, because she was my first hero I spammed...I just want to improve more, because I think there are players who do stuff I don't as her. Same was with TA, I was stomping with her easily, watched Dendi, Arteezy as her etc & thought I can do a lot as her, but then I watched Dragonfist, who is 10 times better than RTZ, Dendi as her & discovered that I don't know, nor even pro players know shit about her compared to DF. I want to find player who is as good as Wind as DF is with TA.

              I'm 3.6k MMR, I've played a lot with noob friends in unranked, so I guess that's why my unranked dropped to normal skill (what is strange is that whenever I add someone from unranked he is alway around 3.5k).

              Coolio - that's bullshit, u never played wind I guess. Farmed wind can 1v1 ANY carry in the game who doesn't have MKB. She has one of the highest single target dmg output in the game...She is also pretty strong in mid (good range, bat, powershot hurts a lot etc.)

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              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                That MKB really shuts her down though. She doesn't have a reliable way to enter or get out of fights (except max speed). All she really has to justify her as a 1 position is her attack speed buff. Why not play troll warlord then?

                IMO, Windrunner provides more to a team from a 3-4 position.


                  never played that hero hopefully in near future i will get to play that sexy ginger devil


                    Lemmy - playing her as position 4 is like playing Puck there, but even worse, coz she scales better & doesn't have such good farm independant spells. Who said u should play her as position 1 ? Mid is position 2 (in most cases) & that's were she should be played. She doesn't bring anything when played in the offlane & is shut down. She doesn't have ravage, dream coil, hookshot, chrono or other no farm, pure xp dependant skills. She can't clear ancients like Tide or farm jungle fast enough to start in the offlane & comeback to the game. I can only see her being played as position 3, when u know she will get some farm there. She works the best with items. MKB really hurts her, I agree with that, esp. considering her shit armor, but it's not like enemy carry will rush MKB vs her & even when he has it, it's not auto win vs her...

                    Abang Rey

                      i think u are the fool that doesn't know what u are saying
                      my support wr has a better kda than your carry wr, no excuses

                      shes a good semi carry but i'll take a ta/dp as mid any day

                      nukes or mkb and she dead


                        Coolio - she was my first hero & I played her in stack with friends who had 400-500 wins, that's why my KDA is horrible (it was over 1 year ago). I started playing her again in 6.83 & I won 16 out of 23 matches, exclusivly playing her as mid. In most games I dealt highest HD & had the highest impact in my team.

                        She has pretty good STR gain (2.5), so her hp is over average. Stuns/nukes rape most carries, nothing new, that's why u can buy BKB to prevent them & MKB is 5.4k gold item. By this logic PA is the worst hero in the universe (dies to nukes faster than Wind & MKB fucks her).

                        Dune, the Desert Planet


                          ^ any other build is wrong, play her this way. Throw in a wand if needed, Force vs Clock.


                            garter is pretty good at shakel

                            the realm's delight

                              ^^ not really lol


                                All your KDA's are pretty bad tbh so your excuses make no sense, but whatever thats not what the thread is about.
                                Your build is the same I use and allows for decent farm and will also make you a really strong single target burster and also decent splitpusher.
                                All I can think of to improve your play is to start playing ranked again.
                                You wont improve if you keep playing against people under your skill level, and looking at your winrate that's the case.