General Discussion

General Discussion6.83 hype and discussion

6.83 hype and discussion in General Discussion



      Blink Dagger
      Blink is no longer disabled if you take no damage (e.g. Spiked Carapace, Refraction, etc)


        holy shit lifestealer with helm of dom huehue doublestomp
        Sonic Wave now does Pure Damage and affects Spell Immune

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        Primordial Soup

          All Illusions now deal 25% less damage to structures Goodbye TB?


            OMFG THEY BUFFED DROW AND SF :D lets keep scrolling down mby mirana too <3


              inb4 drow support for the aura for tb #c9tatics


                iknow :D first thought that came to mind xD


                  • Diffusal Blade is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier
                  First thing that comes to mind, AM diffusal
                  • Multiple Manabreak type abilities do not stack
                  god damnit ლ(ಠ益ಠლ
                  his item build would be more flexible with this change


                    but now i dont have to worry about no mana drain from my lifesteal drow :D

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                      Slark still imba with dark pact, they should increase the dark pact mana cost.


                        no more side lane butterfly with eaglesong
                        but blade mail 100% side shop item now


                          VOLVO GIVE GREEVILING


                            Valor can now be cast on allies to give them armor.

                            op shit boys


                              "Drow Ranger
                              Illusions now benefit from the Marksmanship bonus [?]"

                              isnt that her ulti? that just means her manta illus get the +agi no? not that other illus get the aura +dmg


                                pretty sure its damage like visage birds


                                  every range illusion now benefits from drow ulti IMO


                                    yes the illus simply get the agi which is quite big


                                      "Force Staff can now be used on Homing Missile"

                                      I never play Gyro nor do I see him too frequently, but I want to see this.


                                        •Alt-Clicking on a dead enemy's icon in the top bar will announce that they are dead, and when they will respawn

                                        For when your teammates can read chat, but cant look at the top of the screen.


                                          Diffusal Blade

                                          Diffusal Blade is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier
                                          Multiple Manabreak type abilities do not stack

                                          what da fuck

                                          NextStep ®

                                            Keep buffing Undying uh.
                                            It's difficult to lose with Undying now. lvl 1 180 nuke/heal.


                                              i realy want to play diffu ursa now :d


                                                HEY I C E F R A U D ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮

                                                stay the fuck away from tb seriously. ....


                                                  Chen/Ench coming back to the meta?

                                                  Test of Faith now teleports all of your units to you when cast on yourself [?]
                                                  Holy Persuasion max units increased from 1/1/2/3 to 1/2/3/4

                                                  (5 man deathball strats are real lol)

                                                  Base movement speed increased from 315 to 335

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    RIP TB
                                                    RIP Sniper

                                                    seriously WTF shrapnel no longer damages buildings. This is the biggest bullshit nerf. Why do they keep nerfing sniper? Is he stomping in competitive? Did some whiners get to valve and say hey I'm tired of being flamed for not going shrapnel please nerf it?

                                                    NextStep ®

                                                      The new Test of Faith is really good. And great buff on Holy Persuasion.


                                                        Dat Shadow Blade Buff. Slark still op. Yay. Sf and Pudge nice bufs, however, I don't thing it mattes dat much.

                                                        Nice buff for Diffu. Sf Difu. :-D

                                                        Poor Void


                                                          ench was never out of the pub meta. chen hasn't been THAT bad if you rushed aghs and had a decent push lineup, most teams can't do much with those chunky ass dragons or shit going at their t2s/3s so early on.

                                                          - fuck techies, should not be in the game
                                                          - surprised to see raze buff for SF but I'll take it
                                                          - decent ogre nerf, but we will see if its enough. Still has that long ass slow should the shorter range on fire blast might not be too big of a deal, although will make it harder to deal with heroes with some kind of escape tool
                                                          - slark nerf is a joke, that is weak af, grow a pair icy and destroy this hero
                                                          - interesting WR buff



                                                            Fade Bolt mana cost from 150 to 120/130/140/150
                                                            Scepter Spell Steal cooldown reduced from 5 to 2

                                                            Rubick just turned hood he can steal so much more now :P

                                                            playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                                                              Alt Click on anything on the update page :D


                                                                Did blink really need another buff?


                                                                  yea icefrog dont buff tinker you fucking moron


                                                                    Blink buff is for an exciting meta and that buff was very logical^
                                                                    Ogre nerf feels good


                                                                      sniper change was dumb. There will be two separate builds but one is just going to be better than the other, rather than one doing tower damage vs range/hero damage.

                                                                      TB going to need to get some love somehow...

                                                                      lifestealer getting parasites main ability from HoN was dumb too.... really no reason to be doing that at level 6 with one big exception... People are not going to like dealing with the lifestealer / beastmaster combo now that lifestealer will be able to INFEST THE BIRD AND CONTROL IT HIMSELF.

                                                                      other than that... fantastic patch. Oddly enough, several major changes were suggested on reddit... *cough*

                                                                      and the salt level on DB about patch changes is hilarious.

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                                                                        How many heroes will actually benefit from the Blink Dagger buff though?

                                                                        Apart from TA and Nyx...I guess it's a buff to Oracle?


                                                                          ^barely anyone.


                                                                            Abbadon shield now prevents blink from being disabled as long as it is active.


                                                                              use it stack for yourself, even stack multiple camps per minute since it's cheaper in mana now.

                                                                              use it to push the wave as well as zone enemy out as shrapnel has a lingering effect like march of the machines, mainly applicable in the mid lane. cheaper mana cost also means you get more shrapnels per bottle refill, plus you can actually use assassinate if you get it at level 6 with a shrapnel build.

                                                                              i dont like it personally, but i see it like changing the skill's intended usage.


                                                                                Bristleback now kills you faster as you chase him

                                                                                and bounty takes the holla holla get dolla from np? or maybe alchemist does

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                                                                                  Shadow blade is 200 gold cheaper nice 9/10 min. shadow blades normal time inc.

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    I don't really see the point, it has charges now so it will be really good for farming multiple woods camps, but for zoning out, idk. I guess you can shrapnel 3 waves in a row and really push it back? but it doesn't stack with itself and radius is already huge.


                                                                                      I can see the Diffusal Blade being good in Riki being paired with a mask of madness. I can also see it being good on PA


                                                                                        you use it to zone out more often because it's cheaper. simple as. it's shit for farming multiple camps because the creeps are in the radius for only about half the time (if that) unless you decide to tank a 3 stack of creeps so that they don't move outside the shrapnel radius.

                                                                                        for zoning out its basically 3 times as good with the mana cost being almost a third of what it was previously. i dont see the problem there.

                                                                                        as for pushing instead of damaging the tower directly its like any other wave clear spell, so you use it on the creeps so that they die quicker, and yours survive to hit the tower. pretty simple really.


                                                                                          No Dusa changes. No nerfs too, though. That's ok, I think.

                                                                                          I'm actually exited about new IAS cap.

                                                                                          Also, Blink on Abba, anyone?


                                                                                            you could still get it now since he's slow as fuck and it means you can sit back and wait to use aphotic shield knowing you'll activate it 100% when you want it.

                                                                                            if you're vs bat for example you may not react fast enough or a teammate could be too far.



                                                                                                I predict almost identical picks in 6.83 with addition of seeker and some occasional troll techies bans.


                                                                                                  Btw, QOP has been buffed insanely.


                                                                                                    wtf nothin for ta again. At least i can buy diffusall on her now..


                                                                                                      Meepo still ok.