General Discussion

General DiscussionTop Brood players to watch replays of?

Top Brood players to watch replays of? in General Discussion
Midi Prill

    Well leaderboards seem to have a ton of gimped/inflated ratings, I would like to watch a good Brood player with the following criteria
    -No 5 stacking
    -No no-spiders build or any stupid gimmicks



      me x)


        just because their stats are inflated does not mean that they aren't good. to make yourself relevant as a brood in some of the games that they do (against multiple hard counters) is impressive, stack or no stack.

        brood is usually/mostly left alone by his team anyway, so there is probably a lot you could learn from any of those players

        Midi Prill

          I heard of this torri-tentori guy but his replays are not up to date

          OK I will watch some games of your brood FPZ


            u should really watch torri if u can, hes damn good with that hero

            Midi Prill

              So FPZ I looked at some of your games and you really farm a lot harder than I do
              Would you say the point of this hero is to use the easy laning stage to transition into a mid game carry?
              Some games you have midas, some you don't, what time would you say is the cutoff?


                I watched torri in the past on brood and yeah he's really damn good on the hero the best I've seen so far I think. Unfortunately he doesn't have any recent games where the replay will be available


                  padrinhos brood is also rly good, 7k~
                  BBC (team he plays for) picks brood for him in comp games, mby u can find some game of that where he plays vs good players instead of random pub players

         vs hellraisers
         vs complexity
         vs random arabs

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                  Kai no Kiseki

                    you should check out.

                    They're probably the best brood pickers on the us servers.



                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        I'm not a Brood player, but if you wanna play Brood well you just have to know how to use your spiders. That's how you get most of your farm, they kill camps really fast. Also web placement is very important and shouldn't be overlooked.

                        Sōu ka

                          dont forget to pick your hero last like all the cool kids do

                          Midi Prill

                            ^already mastered that part brah

                            Damn this zenoakaia owns
                            And i found some TT match where he stomps 28-1 on youtube, nice


                              one of the simplest but most effective things to do, is when you have a large group of spiders against a hero that can nuke them down pretty quickly, you send a small group first to attack the hero. This group needs to be large enough to force them to use a nuke, once they do, send the rest of the spiders in and it should be an easy kill

                              Midi Prill

                                ^Any easy way to do this, I tried to bind a mini-group but every time they die I have to do it again. Do I just mousedrag to select the minigroup every time?

                                Like on Manta illusions now you can bind them persistently, but it doesn't work on spiders


                                  Not exactly what terrible said, most heroes have a nuke which deals around 300 damage and therefor not being able to kill the spiders.
                                  What you do is you have 2 binds(In addition to others), 1 for spiders and 1for spiderites. You use spiders to attack and once the nuke is used u also use spiderites.

                                  No spider fed = ezy kill

                                  Also most people forget that torri has very inflated stats due to abusing and stacking with lowskilled accounts.(And has also been excluded from being mentioned in top rating while no idea it got removed)
                                  He is not bad for sure, but not sure if he is the go-to person to observe, there are many good broodplayers and each of them has a small difference which makes them unique in comparison to others, find out your brood style!

                                  @Terrible Brood is not supposed to be left alone anymore, the hero is completly different and not how she used to be. She can easily move now and join the team in comparison to previous version. No idea what you are trying to add when you have probably up to none new brood games played


                                    ^Like what you did at the end there :)

                                    Guess Arka iw4a has lot of nice information, and I agree with what he's saying despite not being a brood player.


                                      fighting brood is actually so good

                                      Midi Prill

                                        What do you guys think about radiance on brood?


                                          i buy it when im stomping too hard. idk if its good tho, top1 brood gets radiance most of the games too. but he plays unranked 5 stack and they pick the same heroes every game, some next lvl fgts

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                                            I once picked brood, got cancer the next day.
                                            Tread carefully.


                                              did you treat your cancer with Meepo?


                                                it might cancel out or you'll get cancer²


                                                  ehm this guy btw, (sinceu talked about radiance on brood)

                                                  i lost to his stack twice in arow with my 5 stack in normal ^_^


                                                    but he only played brood once

                                                    Midi Prill

                                                      Man that spiderling tip really helped me

                                                      basically if you Ctrl-group a spiderling, (the tougher dudes), that button will always select all spiderlings, for the rest of the match

                                                      This hero is so fun lol, never seen enemies rage so hard

                                                      Kept owning an omni sending in the tough dudes, he would heal, then send in the main crew to blow him up. I've never had 10 min radiance on any hero before using brood, now it's no big deal. I bet top players can get it in like 7 mins

                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                        For me the hotkey is permanent for both kind of spiders! So no idea what your doing wrong.

                                                        I have many more tricks like that :p
                                                        As soon as I get my fiber and a little sparetime i am going to make a few PoVs with the new brood and you guys might learn a thing or two:p

                                                        Radiance is not necessarily a go-to option, I tried it a couple of times and it has its niche, but not a go-to option in my eyes, but it has its usage. The #1 guy is partially legit, however his high winrate and kda is mostly because of his overcautiousness and stacking in lowrating.

                                                        Brood is not an easy hero per-se as her appropriate style is heavily dependent on the matchup and therefor experience is needed.
                                                        If you are interested into some old PoVs you can checkout this one or this one
                                                        If you have any questions feel free to message me and follow me, I will be glad to show you

                                                        Midi Prill

                                                          Alright cool, yea I sorted out the hotkeys and it's helped me a lot. I think I have most of the basics down, my main problem is what items to make, I always feel like I made the wrong thing, and Radiance feels like trash past 30 mins

                                                          At first I kind of discarded the idea of Heart but it feels like a must-have when going against Void, otherwise I just get wrecked in the chrono

                                                          Looking forward to your brood vids

                                                          Midi Prill

                                                            No idea how he maintains that winrate without spiderlings, good job man, build def aint for me though


                                                              @c9 hahahahhahaha

                                                              Midi Prill

                                                                So I got counter picked as usual, decided to try this no spider build and got absolutely destroyed