General Discussion

General Discussionhello need advice

hello need advice in General Discussion

    So i want to add storm to my hero pool and im learning him to master him i just have a simple question arcane into bloodstone and travels or treads into orchid ? What works better ? I know that both r good i just want to know which is "better" (im not a noob i know if am or qop is against me orchid is always first) i think u get it


      bottle treads orchys i think is best, but its not my hero. I see a lot of pros rush orchid no bloodstone, but now that bloodstone build from soulring and soulring storm is strong i might be wrong.

      [DFG] Whale King

        Storm spirit :D
        They're both situational, if you dominate the early game, bloodstone will make sure you can get out of this world regen making sure you'll never have to go to base again. If their team only has one or less stuns and few mobility spells, then bloodstone is the way to go.
        If you're playing against mobile heroes or squishy spellcaster that can kill you, aka skywrath, weaver, antimage, QOP, mirana, earthshaker, go orchid every time. It's just too good.
        Neither build is better, and although I love bloodstone first, orchid rush is the way to go 80-90% of the time

        Note orchid isn't worth it if you don't think you'll be running the initiations or going for pickoffs. For example if their only stun is a sandking, your chances of getting a silence off before he initiates is relatively low unless you initiate, for that reason, orchid isn't great against specifically him. (Not necessarily)

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