General Discussion

General DiscussionI need a new mouse

I need a new mouse in General Discussion

    I need a new mouse, from my research there's 3 choices - Steelseries Rival - Logitech Daedalus - Logitech G600

    I'm very tempted by the G600 (especially seeing at its half price) but I'm only a 2K scrub so I don't know how much benefit I'll get from the extra buttons

    Daedalus seems like a good alternative with less buttons

    And the Steelseries rival because EZ mythicals

    Which should I go for?

    Low Expectations

      Steelseries best series

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          I'd go for a non-mmo Logitech. G400 is the best mouse I've used so far.

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            steelseries sensei, worst mouse ever, i had 2 and the same wire issues, im happy with my deathadder :)


              I liked a lot the old g9x logitech because it had the option to change size and weight. With my wide hands and long fingers i didnt feel comfortable with most expensive mice. With g9x i could test different combinations of size and weight until i found the optimal combination for my hand. Rightclicking died after 2.5 years.

              Im playing with a steelseries kinzu for now and it sucks. Not even 1 year passed and clicking response already giving problems. I feel like i should have spend that extra money for a more reliable mouse.

              Im planning to buy a new one this week.

              My current favourite options:
              1. Repeat with logitech g9x
              2. New logitech g302


                @Havoc - you must be talking about this bad boy surely

                and yeah, dont go mmo mouse, keys you won't need and just gonna clutter the mouse


                  G700 is uncomfortable to use though you can adjust but should you.....

                  MX510 - MX518 - G400 - G400s masterace


                    I have to agree with Havoc, G400 is one of the most comfortable mice ever. Best one I had for sure.


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                      G700 - also beware of carpal tunnel syndrome.