General Discussion

General Discussionis windrunner overpowered now?

is windrunner overpowered now? in General Discussion
waku waku

    i feel it takes almost no effort to pin someone down with shackleshot now, making it one of the most effective non ultimate disables in the game
    it seems pretty op to me on paper, especially considering that's not the only skills she has

    Hassan apparently not according to the reddits. I think she is in a good place now.

      Kamado Kun

        She is pretty strong in my opinion


          She needs a buff to her ultimate so you don't have to get agahims all the time if u're playing mid.

          Linda | DotaExchange

            Easy to counter, no " reliable " disable, easy to evade shakle and powershot, which makes hero easily countered.

            Can't hard carry vs good hard carry heroes ( dusa, void, spec )

            Can to some extend be played as core, peerhaps as 2 or 3 role, but don't think that current meta fits her style.

            Also, way too fragile.

            She needs a bit bufing to ultimate, or complete rework of, to make her place in this meta.

            Edit : ye, remove damage reduction as reddit says. Make her most op shit in game

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            Bot Tyrone

              its not easy to doge shackle, range (both cast and where the shackle will go to) is really high, its not hard for her to land them at most areas on the map, it only gets easier to land them with dagger.

              She isn't a hard carry and pretty much never played as a #1, so I don't see how that is relevant..I don't find her fragile at all, with 600 range and really good animation/BAT/damage, you can usually harass without getting hit back or at least hit twice, and you can escape easily with E, as long as you play defensively in ugly situations you are fine.

              I find her pretty good at the moment, I just think most people have an idea of how to play her one way, but don't understand that she is pretty flexible and her build/play style needs to adapt to the situation.

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              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                She sucks wtf, she was good when shackle could latch with 180 degrees but it ain't happenin' anymore.


                  With Aghs, BKB and some crits the ability to have 100% evasion and 100% magic immunity for up to 6 seconds is quite nice in the middle of fights.

                  She's certainly not op though

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    who takes even lvls wr ult lol? ppl buy mask o madness and it wrks way better then her ult. no dmg loss movment speed for good shackles and ls.


                      ye imo this heros trash

                      Dire Wolf

                        The only way WR ever contributes to a win is when she beats a bad mid and snowballs. She can pretty much kill anyone 1v1 with her ult and windrun if she has a few levels and items on them. But in those cases a viper or TA or storm or almost anything mid would do just as well. I can think of a half dozen better off laners and support heroes and tons of better carry and mid options.

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          she cant kill anyone with her ult, it makes her to rightclick like techies lmao


                            oO her ult actually does a lot of damage if you get real items. She wrecks even with just a maelstrom.

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              mask of madness is better wr ulti


                                not really

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  look at stats, and say that again


                                    she is fine, far from op

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      44% wr far from fine


                                        Yes and Io has 39%, ES 40%, etc. Shows you how important stats are.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          "she cant kill anyone with her ult, it makes her to rightclick like techies lmao"

                                          What? Did you mean without her ult? Her ult is really sick, with aghs and the 15s cd that's how she snowballs.


                                            jussi dont even bother

                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                              io take too many skills to play and dies because of ppl cant lane with 0 armor, es has 52 wr

                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                and if you were trying to look up my stats you faild copying and pasting simple % numbers, and this thread is not about how good im at this hero but this hero in game, which shown by looking at all games from all players. and nice shadowfind and morphling 20 fucking 5% wr lmao roflzzzz


                                         I checked here. Good job resorting to personal attacks. If you aren't mature enough to participate in a discussion then please do stay out.


                                                    I keep coming to the forums hoping that one day mr blink dagger will make an intelligent post. That day has not yet come. I suppose I'll wait.

                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                      the wr that i said for the es io and wr are exactly same for this month idk what u been smoking.

                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                        who s this dog? did he finally get balls to comment on dotabuff?


                                                          Note that there are three heroes called ES (Ember Spirit, Earth Spirit and Earthshaker)

                                                          Linda | DotaExchange

                                                            Oh jussi, he is troling you ...

                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                              name more skhot heroes that ppl cant play cuz hero is too hard to play and fuckup there wr. wr is not even close skill shot as them.


                                                                Woof woof

                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                  omg ur that dog who was on my steam comments
                                                                  the dog that looks like penis


                                                                    Okay if you say so.


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                                                                      Low Expectations

                                                                        I think shes weak. I dont really think she offers anything better than any other hero (not essential in any lineup) and wouod be specifically better at certain situation. Her dmg output is mäh at the very best and with simular farm other heros can do better job. Ofc you can make anything work but you have to draft around her rather than her just fitting in.


                                                                          What, you can basically fit her in to any lineup just because of how versatile she is. It's just that she's not a trending hero atm.

                                                                          Low Expectations

                                                                            ^For every lineup she fits into there is a hero that would fulfill her purpouse better


                                                                              she;s good because her shackle can disable 2 heroes at once (if landed luckily)
                                                                              good ganking hero (pure forest ganker)
                                                                              but i dont know how her ulti for what -_-

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                "^For every lineup she fits into there is a hero that would fulfill her purpouse better"

                                                                                That's exactly how I feel.

                                                                                Offlane windrunner - clinkz and mirana better gankers, those two and weaver are better carries, (and all three and windrunner have same weaknesses, silence and disables), tide, timber and lich better team fighters/support for offlane picks.

                                                                                Mid - Like every mid ganks or carries better than she does. Storm spirit is a way better mid who has lock down and mobility and scales better into late game for example.

                                                                                Safelane support - She's fine here if you harass well with her, her disable is pretty good plus her nuke arrow for harassment, but again she's not like better than witch dr or cyrstal maiden or any normal safe lane support.

                                                                                Jorges Sanz

                                                                                  Shes just a pseudo courier with a little bit of everything nice, long range nuke, shackle and decent dps output. Only problem with her is that you need decent levels to be useful and shes a terrible smoke gank partner/roamer.

                                                                                  Meracle and Rtz have played carry wr before i think, doable but too much effort imo