General Discussion

General DiscussionJuke moments sent them now

Juke moments sent them now in General Discussion

      i thought u were noobfromua

      are u latvian?


        Yes, why?


          i thought u were russian Lelllllllll


            No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.


              for you...


                Pirate, I´m a bit off-topic, but:

                I really love Sand-King, however I´ve got into a position where I didm´t play him for a long time and now I can´t really feel the momentum.

                Could you coach/help a bit?
                Give tips on how you do early game, etc.

                I used to do well with him, but now it´s just total mehh.

                thanks from big fan.


                  I usually don't do stupid things like I'm gonna do right now, add me in steam, we gonna talk about this.

                  Miku Plays


                    Idk who you are but, i would love to know more about Sk as well.

                    I can only jungle Sk with him, and tbh im a big abuser of the infamous SK glitch.


                      I´ll add you when I get home from work, Pirate.

                      Hatsune, the SK glitch you´re regarding to as the Sand Storm isn´t very effective in any way, do you think?


                        Hatsune Miku, few tips.
                        Don't build Aghanim/ BKB in public game, go for FS, Eul, Necro, EB, Hex.
                        Learn more about fog and places where you can cast your ulti safe.
                        Shift+Dagger must have knowledge.

                        Okay, the main reason of this items is survive ability. I think SK in public game needs it most, because he can be agressive with them, also item such as FS could not only save you, but help you overcome near 2,450 units in the blink of the eye, which means that you have more chances to cast success ulti.

                        Once again: No BKB, but fog of war. No Veil and Aghanim, but EB for solo kills and escape.

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                        Miku Plays


                          its is very effective for scouting rosh pit. i can go and do it from t2 to mid river.


                          Why not teamfight oriented? does that mean its fine to use epicenter on solo heroes?

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                            Hatsune Miku, dependent on the situation.
                            Enemy carry 1600-2000 hp without survive ability such as BKB/ Mana Shield etc
                            You solo kill him with EB that means you have opening to get rest without it.
                            Enemy Chen/ any shit brick like him that pain in your ass will die with his 1400 hp in one stun and your ulti without ability to use his mek.

                            Anyway, enough with silly questions. It's not freaking AMA here.


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                              C'mon, guys. You can do that.


                                I sent you a nice Ember Spirit play the last time you posted here idk if you have it


                                  Yeah, I do.
                                  I gave 4fun your replay, you can check it here:


                                    yo, can you link to your steam profile or whatever?

                                    cant find u, so many pirates!

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                                      I already told everything that I want to tell you. Check the thread.


                                        the 4fun video edit is probably the best I ever seen.

                                        also, drop the arrogance. noone gives a shit on your bigballing


                                          Or what?
                                          Gonna warn me once again that "noone gives a shit on my bigballing"?


                                            there's no or what, first of all the quote in this case is being used for stating facts exactly as they were. secondly it's common courtesy, asking for stuff and acting like people owe you their babies won't make anyone interested in your deal.

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                                              Whatever, prim8.


                                                what you mean mate?


                                                You told me to add you so we could talk.
                                                Item decisions and shit is nothing I've asked for, but more how you route thru the map as you apparently is very efficient.

                                                I guess as you don't want to talk, I'll take a look at your replays.

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                                                  Once upon a time there was a game where i wanted to play sk, and pirate just picked it first like he aint give a shit.

                                                  - The end -


                                                    LOL I had no idea. Ty pirate


                                                      DD様 | DotaExchange, I just changed my mind due lack of time that I have.


                                                        Damn pirate is dota vision your channel ? You make really professional and clean videos on how to record .. Good job


                                                          I have a timbersaw gameplay ultra kill/ jukes willthatwork??


                                                            Kael, depends of the moment.


                                                              Do you want only jukes or maybe kills with dodging shit or almost anything?

                                                              kanye went to uni

                                                                is this how you link replay times? dota2://matchid=1005234417&matchtime=594

                                                                was at around 6:45 if it doesnt work, i was doom, just random funny hiding spot, linking on the offchance :p


                                                                  Wow that bear tho :D DR Lee Moment!


                                                                    EJ, jokes with kills could work too.


                                                                      Well i just submited one check it out lord SK


                                                                        I just submitted too please check timbersaw


                                                                          Kael, FyyQ, sorry guys. Those two don't really work out. Thanks for the summits tho


                                                                            I just got 2 more ultra kills morph and anti I. Will send you later

                                                                            Hatsune Miku

                                                                              Where can we watch your video?